~ Chapter 38 ~ ツ

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"Stay. Away. From. Him." She kicked me one last time and left me alone, in the alley crying, begging for help, in hopes of someone hearing me.


I have been searching the streets of London when I passed an alleyway, I wasn't going to go in, buy then I heard a cry, and someone begging for help.

I walked into the alley, and what I saw made me freeze in my tracks.

*•*•*•*• Louis' P.O.V *•*•*•*•

Iliterally froze in my tracks, my eyes widened in shock.

"L-Lou.." I heard Harper calling me, that seemed to pull me out of my frozen state, I rushed over to her, and crouched down next to her.

I didn't say anything, nor did she. I just studied her, her right eye was purple, her lip was busted, and there was a mark on her forehead. She was clutching onto her stomach indicating that it hurt.

I sighed. "Harper, what happened?" I asked while stroking the hair out of her face. She looked into my eyes for a bit, as if she was searching for something, then looked away.

"Nothing" she mumbled, while looking at her lap. I sighed again, why cant she tell me? Why doesn't she trust me?

"Harp, please, just tell me." I begged.

"It's nothing Louis, I'm fine." She said, she tried smiling at the end to make me believe it, but she failed.

"It's nothing? If it was nothing, you wouldn't be in an alley on the floor, crying, and begging for help. You aren't 'fine', okay? Someone is clearly hurting you! You don't deserve this, you don't deserve half the shit you went through in your life, but I'm trying to help you here but it's pretty difficult when you won't tell me whose hurting you. Why won't you tell me? Don't you trust me?" I whispered the last part.

"I do trust you Lou.."

"Yea, okay. Whatever. Let's just take you home." I picked her up and started carrying her back to the flat.

"I'm sorry." I heard her say. I sighed.

"I don't want you to be sorry, I just want you to tell me."

"Ill tell you later, okay? I'm just really tired right now." I nodded.

"Go to sleep, we'll be there soon." I looked down at her and she was fast asleep.


We had just arrived home, and I managed to take her to her room, put her in bed, without any of the others seeing her.

Hopefully she'll tell me tomorrow, like she said she would.


None of us said anything, after her little rant, but it really opened my eyes, I never knew how much she liked me, I never knew I made her feel like that.

"Perrie, the explanation, the reason to everything is.."

*•*•*•*• Perrie's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"Perrie, the explanation, the reason to everything is management." I furrowed my eyebrows together, what does management have to do with this?

"What? Management? What do they have to do with anything?" I asked, I was clearly confused.

"Let me explain," I nodded. "okay, so you remember when Harper was it the hospital?" I nodded again. "Yea, and remember how the doctor said she might of heard something that made her wake up?" I nodded again, god, so much nodding. "Well, the thing she heard was me telling her that I have feelings for her and stuff related to that, and that I wanted to be with her when she woke up, yes, cheesy, I know. Anyway, when she came home, I went to her room to talk to her, I leaned in and kissed her. My phone rang, and it was management saying I had to go talk to them. I told her ill talk to her when I get home. During the meeting with management they said I had to "fake date" Victoria. I also wasn't allowed to tell anyone or anything. That's why when I got home I told her it was a mistake and everything. That's why Victoria is here. That's why it's hard hard for me. I have to fake date a bitch, I can't have the girl I want, and to top it all off I'm hurting her, not purposely, but I still am." I was shocked, really. I had no idea. I was not expecting that at all.

"Woah, Niall. That's unbelievable, I'm sorry for being a bitch to you, I had no idea, but I was protecting Harper."

"I know, I understand." he smiled genuinely.

"But, you have to stand up for yourself. You have to go talk to management, and tell them they can't make you date someone you don't want. They can't control your life."

"Yea, but-" I cut him.

"No buts, you're going to lose Harper if you dont. So tomorrow, you're going to talk to management."

"Okay, I will."


With that, we hugged, I apologized for being a bitch, and we walked home.

*•*•*•*• Zayn's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I was in Harry's room, talking to him about something very important. I've been wanting to do it for a while now, actually. But since the one year is coming up, I thought it would be a perfect time to do it.

"Okay, so tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Yes, early,so the others won't ask many questions." I said.

"Sounds great. I'm really happy for you mate."

"Thank you."

And with that I went to my room, waiting for Perrie to come home.


Sorry it's late! Wattpad was being difficult. ://

Kind of a boring chapter, sorry.

Anyway thankyouu for reading:))

I know it's two days early but, Eid Mubarak to anyone who celebrates Eid, just like I do!:) Hope you have a wonderful time:))

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~milan XOXO

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