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Niall had to leave Harper to go be with Victoria at the bowling parlor for paparazzi, and zerrie got engaged.

...end of recap...

***Niall's P.O.V***

I just arrived at the bowling parlour and there was already paparazzi swarming the place.

I know it's their jobs, and everything, but if they ask properly I'll give them a picture instead of keeping my head down, but they just swarm me with cameras, and are quite rude. sometimes.

So no.

Paparazzi can get quite annoying at times.

I shoved my way through with Preston with me and got into the building, to see it only 2 others there.

They were an old couple playing bowling, it was actually pretty adorable.

I searched till I finally found the devil and walked up to her.

"Where the hell have you been?" she sharply whispered when I got close to her.

"You said twenty minutes." I said rolling my eyes.

"Exactly, I said twenty, not twenty-four minutes."

are you kidding me? I'm four minutes late, sue me.

"It's only a few minutes Victoria. Calm down."

"few minutes, or a hour, I don't care, don't make me wait." she seethed.

Some girls are ridiculous.

"Whatever." I shrugged past her and went to get a pair of shoes.

I could hear the clicking of her heels as she walked after me, who the hell wears heels to a bowling alley?

We both got our shoes and went to our lane.

Normally, I would of started right away, but of course Victoria had other plans.

She made us sit at the stupid table and cuddled into my side.

I wanted to push her off if me, but couldn't seeing as there were cameras from the outside.

I reluctantly wrapped an arm around her, but all that was going through my mind was Harper, Harper, and Harper.

She turned and smiled at me, I just gave a blank stare.

"God Niall, at least act as if you're enjoying yourself." she grumbled under her breath.

I sighed and sent a small forced smile back seeing as I would be in trouble with management if I didn't look like I was enjoying myself, -even though I'm not.-

"Let's just play now, I have places to be." I said harshly, and got up.

She glared at me before standing up.

I ignored her and went to take my turn, because I was first.

Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty good at this game, just saying.

I rolled the ball down the aisle and got a strike, see? I still got it.

I turned and sat back down and watched as Victoria took her own customized ball out. Why can't she use the balls here like a normal person? It isn't like were versing anyone.

Hurt (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now