~ Chapter 36 ~ ツ

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~...~ RECAP ~...~

In the last chapter Zayn and Perrie went on a date, Louis, Liam, Eleanor, and Danielle, went on a double date, Harry just chilled by himself, and Niall kissed Harper.

~...~ END OF RECAP ~...~

*•*•*•*• Perrie's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"Did you have fun?" Zayn asked while pulling on his shirt.

"I had a wonderful time, thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome, babe." He said back. "Now, do you want to sleep? I'm utterly tired." He said, and as if right on cue, he yawned.

"uh, yea, I just need to go to talk to Harper for a second."

"boo, can't you talk to her tomorrow? I bet she's already asleep." Zayn whined.

"it'll just talk a second." I persisted.

"Please?" He gave me his puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't resist.

"Fine." I mumbled, and crawled into bed with him.

"love yoooou." he sang.

"yea, yea, love you to." I replied pretending to be annoyed, he chuckled, and wrapped his arms around me.



Niall better not have hurt her because he will regret it.

*•*•*•*• Niall's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over picking it up. "Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Niall?" Victoria's annoying voice said.

"What?" I answered rudely. I don't like this girl, at all. If it wasn't for management I would be able to have the girl of my dreams right now, but no, she's in the other room hating my guts, and is probably going to tell Per- Shit, Perrie, she's going to fucking murder me.

"Want to go to the Starbucks around the block by your place?

"YES!" I practically screamed, I need to get out of this house before Harper tells Perrie.

"really? okay, uh, in 15 minutes?" She asked sounding surprised.

"yea, okay, okay, bye." And with that I hung up.

I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom, I took a shower, shaved, brushed my teeth, you know the essential things.

I changed into my white shirt, my black jeans, and my white supras. I quickly grabbed a jumper and quietly, but quickly made my out of the door. Thank god Perrie wasn't up yet.

I was walking down the street, with my ray bans and a hot to cover my hair. The last thing I need is to get recognized and mobbed. Even though not many people would be out at 7 am. Better safe than sorry, right?

I finally saw the Starbucks and walked in, I saw Victoria sitting at the far corner. I went and sat with her.

"Hey!" She said excitedly. How can a person be so happy in the god damn morning?

"Hi." I said dully.

"So, how's everything been?"

"Horrible. Perrie's going to kill me." I sighed.

"Why?" She asked trying to sound concerned.

"I kiss Harper, again. When Harper tells her, she is going to kill me." I replied.

"You cheated on me?" She asked sounding pissed. "With that tramp?" What's her problem? We aren't even really dating.

"First off, you and I are not actually dating, it's for publicity, and you know that as much as I do, and secondly Harper, is not a tramp. If anything, you are." I said getting angry, who the hell is she calling her a tramp?

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a tramp?" She asked astonished.

"You heard me." I said, glaring at her.

"Whatever, Niall. You can't go around kissing other girls."

"Who the fuck are you telling me what I can, and cant do?"

"You're girlfriend." She replied smugly.

"FAKE girlfriend." I put an emphasis on the word fake.

"So? We're still basically dating, and you cant kiss other girls."

"Fuck you. I can do whatever the hell I want. We're not dating, and never will be." And with that I got up and left Starbucks without even purchasing anything.

That girl is fucked up, like actually we aren't even dating, and she's telling me what I can't do.

I glanced at my watch and saw it was only a quarter past 9. I mentally sighed, guess I'm walking around London today.

*•*•*•*• Victoria's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

Harper and Niall kissed?

Doesn't she understand the meaning of, "stay away from him, or else I will hurt you more" ? I'm going to hurt this girl, badly, very badly.

Niall's mine, and I don't care what he says, he will be mine soon.

I took my phone out and typed in her number, (I took it from Niall's phone) opening a new text, I began to type.

To: Harper a.k.a bitch

*•*•*•*• Harper's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

It was 1:30, and all of us, except Niall, no one knows where he is, were in the kitchen enjoying a late brunch.

My mind couldn't stop going back to yesterday, and him kissing me. What is Niall hiding? Why couldn't he tell me why he kisses me, but than cant be with me? Why won't he tell me why he would kiss me then come home with a new girlfriend the next day? Boys are extremely confusing, and they say girls are confusing, HAHAHAHA no. Their way more confusing.

"So, Harper, what did you and Niall talk about yesterday?" Asked my brother, Louis. I really need to spend more time with him.

"uh, nothing really..." I mumbled.

"You sure? It seems like it was something important, I mean he was in there for a while, and then when he came out he looked, scared?" Said Harry. Damn you Styles.

"Uh, you know we just talked about life and stuff.. no big deal, really."

"If it's 'no big deal', why don't you tell us what he said?" Said Eleanor. Perrie was keeping quiet since she knew something bad happened since I wasn't telling them what happened.

"uh, he just said hi, and how are you?" I replied, but it came out as more of a question. Harry smirked.

"For 30 minutes?" He retorted.

"I talk slow?" I said.

"Sure, you do Harper. Sure you do." Danielle said.

"Come on, just tell us please, Harper." Zayn said.

"Guys, if she doesn't want to say anything just leave it alone." THANK YOU LIAM.

"Yea.. I agree with Liam." Perrie mumbled, but she gave me a look saying, 'we're talking later' I nodded.

"Fine." Lou sighed sadly.

"So, how were your dates?" I asked to change the subject.

*•*•*•*• Louis' P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"So, how were your dates?" Harper said.

I didn't answer, I let El, Dani, Li, Perrie, and Zayn answer the question.

I feel like Harper Is hiding something from me. She's my sister, and we barley talk, I mean she trusts Perrie more. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just miss her. We've barley had a proper chat, and we haven't even hung out together.

I promised dad, that I would take care of her when I brought her out here.. First I let her get kidnapped, again. And now, I know of nothing that's going on with her.




There were shouts coming from everyone in the room.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"You zoned out." El said, looking concerned.

"Oh, I'm going to bed. I'm tired." I got up and left. I wasn't tired, I just needed to think.

*•*•*•*• Eleanor's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I watched as Louis got up and went to our room. He's been really distant lately, I don't know what's going on with him.

After he left we all just sat in a silence, quietly eating.

What's going on with Louis?

*•*•*•*• Perrie's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

We had just finished a quiet brunch after Lou left. I wonder what's going with him.

I stood up and tapped Harper's shoulder, she looked at me, and stood up. Knowing I wanted to talk.

We walked into her room, since she doesn't share a room, so no one can walk in.

"So, how was your date?" She asked. I could tell she was trying to avoid the subject.

"Good. Now spill." I said somewhat sternly. She sighed and started to explain.

*•*•*•*• Liam's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

Danielle, Harry, Eleanor, Zayn, and I were left in the lounge room after Harper and Perrie disappeared.

"What's going on with everybody?" Wondered Harry.

"What do you mean?" Asked Danielle.

"I mean, Louis' been acting distant, and none of us know what's going on with him, and Perrie, Harper, and Niall, are clearly hiding something." Harry said. We all nodded.

"That's true. Lou's been really distant lately, and I just want to know what's wrong, but I don't want to push him into telling me, I want him to tell me when he's ready. That's why I haven't really asked." Eleanor said.

"Lou used to be really happy, and now it seems as if something is bothering him." I said.

"Yea, and Niall, has been acting different. Really, really different. I mean, he has never once talked about Victoria, and then one day their together? It makes no sense." Zayn said.

"That's true! And like, Perrie, and Harper, are hiding something, and it clearly includes Niall." Dani said.

"yea, Zayn, has Perrie said anything to you?" Harry asked.

"No, I mean, that night when she slapped him, I asked her what he did, but she replied with, "I cant tell you.", and yesterday when we got back from our date she said, "I need to talk to Harper.", I honestly don't even know anymore." Zayn sighed.

"Yea, and remember yesterday at breakfast when Niall asked to talk to Harper, Perrie talked to him first." Eleanor inserted.

"Yea, I just want to know what's going on with our friends." I sighed.

Why's everyone so different?

*•*•*•*• Harper's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"Good. Now spill." I sighed, there's no way out of this. So I just told her everything that happened yesterday. When we were all in the living room hanging out, then Niall asking me to talk. Us coming in the room to talk, him apologizing and saying he couldn't tell me. Him kissing me. Me pushing him off because he has a girlfriend, and him leaving.

"I'm going to strangle that boy." Perrie muttered.

"Pez. no, just leave it alone. It's fine." I sighed, not wanting to cause anymore trouble, than I already have.

"No. Harper, look I'm going to call him right now, and see where he is." I sighed, knowing she would do what she wanted.

"Call him in here." She nodded, and pulled out her phone, dialing his number, and setting it to speaker.

"Hello?" He answered nonchalantly. I don't think he looked at the called ID because if he did, he probably wouldn't have answered.

"Niall." Perrie basically growled. Oh god.

"P-Perrie?" He answered scared.

"We need to have a little talk. Where are you?" She said deathly calm.

"Can we talk when we get home?" He asked.

"NO." She replied, "Now tell me where you are." I heard him sigh on the other side.

"The park, 20 minutes away from our house."

"Stay there, I'll be there." She said, and with that she hung up.

Perrie got up, and grabbed her phone. Before she could leave the room I grabbed her arm.

"Don't do anything stupid?" I pleaded.

"No promises." She got her arm out of my grip and went to the door, with me following her like a lost puppy. "I'll be back." She said, walked out, and slammed the door, with an extremely loud slam.

*•*•*•*• Zayn's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"So, what-" I was got off, when we heard a loud 'SLAM', echo throughout the house.

We all looked at each other, and quickly scrambled up going to the front door.

Harper was standing there looking at the door.

"Harper, what's going on?" Liam asked.

"Perrie isn't in the best mood." She answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Uh, just that she isn't in the best mood. I have to go." Harper said and left the house.

We all looked at each other, what the fuck is going on?

*•*•*•*• Harper's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I ran out of the door, trying to find the park. I had no luck.

I took my phone out, seeing it was 8 pm, and that I had one message?

I opened the message,

From: Unknown

I heard you kissed Niall? You shouldn't have done that.

"Nice to see you, Harper?" I heard, and I instantly paled.

*•*•*•*• Niall's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I was pacing back and fourth.

Perrie is on her way, she is going to kill me.

I looked up and saw Perrie, walking over to me.


yoo, ma homies:)

This was sort of a filler, nothing exciting happened.

Here's chapter 36, sorry for the long wait. :/

I decided I'm not going to give this book away, because lot of you messaged me and stuff saying I shouldn't' give it away. And honestly, if I did, I would miss writing too much. So, you guys got to bare with me when I update late.

LIAM HAS A NEW GIRLFRIEND? but, but, Payzer :'( (I'm keeping Payzer in my story, because I love Payzer<3333)
OMFG, I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE MOVIE COMES OUT IN CANADA! Not fair it already came out in other places>.< It comes out on the 30th, so far!!


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Love you so much, Thanks for reading:*


~milan XOXO

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