~ Chapter 33 ~ ツ

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*•*•*•*• Niall's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

"Oh, that, that was nothing. Spur of the moment I guess. It was a mistake, I shouldn't have done it. Now can you leave I'm trying to sleep." I said coldly, and with no emotion on my face. Harper got up and ran out of the room.

I sighed and fell back on my bed. I'm such an idiot. How could i have done that? She hates me, and it's all managements fault. Now, some people might be thinking, 'hey, why not date her and not tell management?' First reason, management will find out, they always do, and second reason I would be putting her in more pain by acting all coupley with someone else.

God, I swear I'm the must stupidest person alive.

Louis is going to kill me for hurting his sister, Zayn, is going to kill me for hurting his somewhat-like-a-sister, and harry, and Liam are going to kill me for hurting their best friend. So are the girls.

I can't believe I hurt her.. Again.

~...~ RECAP ~...~

I went to Niall's room,because I wanted to talk about what had happened earlier. I knocked on his door, and heard a faint 'come on'. I put my hand on the knob and turned it. I walked in and say on his bed. He didn't look at me. "Hi." I said. He nodded his head, ok... "So, about earlier when we kissed.." I said trailing off.

"Oh, that, that was nothing. Spur of the moment I guess. It was a mistaken, I shouldn't have done it. Now can you leave I'm trying to sleep." I swear my heart just broke, as tears sprang to my eyes I ran out of the room.

~...~ END OF RECAP ~...~

*•*•*•*• Harper's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I ran out, well limped since I was suppose to be using my crutches, to my room. I grabbed a jacket and limped back outside and took off to a park I seen near here.

Tears were still streaming down my cheeks as I got to the park.

I went and sat on the swing, just swaying back and forth slowly.

it seems as if every time things start to go right for me, everything just comes crashing down.

Why does my life have to be so difficult? It just seems as the whole world hates me. I just want to know why? I don't know what I've done.

why did Niall have to kiss me, make me feel loved, and than just crush my heart. I know we had nothing, but what he said while I was in the coma and that kiss, just makes me wonder, I guess.

I got up, and decided to just get home seeing as it is almost midnight.

I was limping home when I heard someone walking behind. I payed no attention and continued, but I swear I could feel the person's eyes on me.

I got to the alley, that I had to go through to get home. It was pretty creepy.

I went in, and was half way out of the alley, when I was pushed -quite roughly might I add- into a wall, and fell to the ground. I gasped. I looked up to be met by a pair of brown eyes. The girl seemed tall, and had brown hair.

"Who are you?" My voice quivered and wasn't very loud.

"You don't need to know," she whispered, very harshly, "now, listen, and listen very closely bitch. Stay away from Niall, don't talk, or touch him. He is mine now, I'm his new girlfriend as of tomorrow, when him and I go public." She smiled wickedly. "He's way to good for you, and just talks to you because you're Louis' sister. He would never like you, you're hideous." She slapped me in the face, but I didn't do or say anything. "Remember leave him alone, don't Ben be his friend. He's mine, all mine." Said a turned around. "Bye bitch, see you tomorrow, and tell anyone about this, you're dead." She said, she stepped on my hand with her heel and walked off.

I didn't move, I just stayed there, on the cold ground. Who was she? What did she mean, "Niall's mine,only mine", "when him, and I go public tomorrow?" , and "see you tomorrow."

I just shook my head, got up, and limped home. I was actually terrified of her.


I had just got back home, and everyone was asleep, so I just went back to my room and lied down, trying to get some rest.


I woke up the next morning, and went to the living room. Louis smiled at me. I smiled back.

I looked around and I froze.

The girl from the ally, the brown hair and brown eyed girl. She was here

She saw me staring and smirked.

"Hi, I'm victoria."


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