Chapter three - getting out of here

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Amanda's pov:

My hands were covering my small face, I opened my eyes and I stayed in the bed, I looked to my side and Ryan was still sleeping so I quietly got up and walked into the small bathroom and then washed my face then dried my face with the towel.

Walking slowly to my shoes and quietly sitting on the bed putting them on. I turned back and for a moment I looked at him, I'll miss you bud.

I stood and didn't turn back I closed the door behind me. Don't look back. I always do this anyways leave when I made a friend.

The weather was still cold I tugged on my top trying to keep warm, then I saw a bus and held my arm out and it stopped, didn't have money so I walked back and when people got on I went to the doors that opened and quickly got on. And went to the back.

I sat down and made sure no one. Noticed I was on, when it was my stop I rushed of and then I walked on.

Ryan called. I left it to voice mail, no point in talking. I was in central of New York now, I found a subway I went under ground and I got on the first train that lead to central park.

I got outside the subway and as I walked on I saw the park coming into reach, Ryan called again. I finally picked up I didn't talk.

"Amanda, I know this is you, I know you always do this. But take a moment and think do you want to run for your whole life because I won't be able to help you if you continue."

I just ended the call, who is he to say that? He doesn't know what I had to give up.


There was this building that looked neat, and completely polished. I walked in and then I just looked around, everyone was buzzing around.

People were getting other people coffee and such. I just sat down as I found a seat, I took in the atmosphere and drank it in.

A women came up to me and said looking straight at me "your the 12 o'clock right?" I just didn't reply but she continued to stand there "Mr Styles is waiting go on"

I got on my feet and walked in, she thinks I'm someone else.. I turned the corner and he was sitting in his office the door was opened. I peered in, I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Its about time, I thought you were coming an hour ago." I walked in he knew I wasn't the person he was suppose to meet. "You new?" "Me?" I nodded "I'm not suppose to be here..". "Right your surpose to be on the run way"

"No no, Mr Styles I don't work here and that lady got me confused-" he stopped me " Well whoever your stepping in for isn't here so you have her job, I need you to come with me I need to go into a meeting and you need to make notes."

What did I just get myself into?

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