Chapter Ten - She still likes him

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Amanda's pov:

She stood there eyeing me,  moving out of her way walking away I didn't want to face her because I did not want to deal with her shit to be honest. She shouted, "Really? your such a-" I stopped her there I laughed at her "Don't. finish that sentence." She questioned me "why? You do not know who your dealing with."

I fired back "Either do you, I've been through hell and back and I am still standing, what does that say about me?" She thought I was joking like she didn't believe me.

 I laughed at her but I couldn't stand there anymore  she shouted out before I left "where  would you go?"  I tilted my head and said smiling sheepishly at her "Oh I already have a place to crash,Harry's."  When I mentioned his name her face went up in flames she went bright red. 

She didn't have a come back but she did comment "He'll use you." I knew I was a bitch, honestly I was but I didn't want to deal with her bull so I said "I'm not you." And then I walked out slammed the door tight smiled then I called Harry asked him if I could crash at his after the fight I  had he of course gladly said yes.  

******* Harry place

When we finally arrive at Harry's he gave me that "concerned" conversation we sat at his sofa, my legs on his chest he liked it, I could tell. He continued " What happened?" I started with explaining how I was feeling about Kelly and how I didn't trust her. 

He showed that he understood and he mentioned "Watch out, you don't know what she's like when she's mad." I replied "I know how to handle myself." He muttered "good." Smiling as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

 I was still in his arms as we both slept, But he woke to a sound of me walking around as I couldn't find the bathroom his house was to big. As I heard him shout "third door to the right" I shouted back "thanks" Then went in and took a shower, moments later I felt a numb finger go along my spine. I took a breath in closing my eyes enjoying the touch, enjoying the shred of hope that came. I turned his face was with smiles thats how it should be I  thought. Our lips touched as if there was no escaping, not that I wanted to I just wanting more time. Really, then his movement of his hands banged on the wall on the side, my back was forced on to it. I didn't  mind but I hate feeling what is this to him? I am not this type of girl to wonder, I'm the doing in the moment and having no worries about it.    

When we finished, in the shower we went to the bed room, I would of loved to say we continued but he turned it into a deep unnerving conversation, "I want you, but- " He said I shut that out and I shut him up by saying "No buts." Then I planted a kiss along his mouth and then his neck just live in he moment.  It tasted, good.  Then I got a call, it was Ryan. I rolled my eyes I got up and walked out the door shutting it tight. I held the phone to my ear and I waited Harry was shouting in the background wanting me to come back, I replied "Its Ryan" He asked who that was I instantly  said my best friend. He didn't seem worried or scared that I was talking to other guy but he had that look in his eyes showing that I  shouldn't do anything that would hurt him. 

 I wouldn't, but he did not know how I felt. It felt different with him for one but different also because he didn't know how I felt. Ryan spoke softly, "I miss you." He said I thought I would cry but I didn't, " I miss you more. But I'm sure I know why your calling."

He said "Yeah I heard you and Kell had an issue and she want's to apologize."  I rolled my eyes saying "Oh bitch please she's acting, she got annoyed when I came home late she doesn't need to know my business." He got it but he said " I know, but Amanda she's my sister please sort this out. I know you guys have your problems I know, she shouldn't get like that but you know she likes Harry and now your his new toy she isn't happy."  I shouted "How is that my fault that Harry took a interest in me?" I slapped my hand  and as I hanged up on him I regretted it.

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