Chapter 9-

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Hey guys!!! sorry about not updating been busy with course work. I have free time so other update ? ayy lucky people. OK I'm going to make it intense and gripping. watch out.

Amandas pov : 

Headphones in, music high. That is my  time to myself the song "Fight Song" replays on and on. I shout in my mind out lowed. I think I act like this whenever I get or I try and have a actual relationship with somebody. I think I over think to much so I tried not to think about the fact Harry said he fancied me ?  I rocked up out of bed, walked in to the bathroom then looked at my refection those eyes of mine were too trusting. I moved my head to the other side and closed my eyes remembering  what he did.  I washed, I didn't want to put on make up because for one I couldn't be asked and because I didn't want to look at myself. Then brushed my long flourished light hair,  I wore black ripped jeans and a dark top covering my belly ring then put on the black heels. 

I walked down stairs and I saw Ryan and Kelly sitting there talking at the table with there coffee's, then I realized I had no work today since its Saturday I fallen over next to Ryan as I stumbled on to the seat as my hands both held my head up as it was sore from last night, it was banging inside. Ryan was speaking loudly trying to joke about the fact that I was having a hang over. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him to the side.  

He raised his eye brows and smiled widely at me and his sister then said smiling not another one  I thought "So what we doing today?" I shyly said "Sleep in" while laughing he just laughed and said "Well apart of doing that lets think" Kelly came up with me and Ryan spending the day together as we haven't seen each other in a while, I knew she was plotting something but I liked the idea of spending time with my best friend so I went along with it.  

Kelly went out and said bye to us. Me and Ryan were in the kitchen having hot chocolate and he looked at me and instantly said "You were talking shit right? You don't like Kell?" I laughed at the fact he knew me to well, I nodded "It isn't that as such its just I need to be careful, she told me to feed her info on one of her ex's." I stated He nodded "Which one?" I shrugged " His called Harry" Ryan just blurted   out laughing  I didn't know if that was a good thing or bad, he then spoke "I knew she liked him still. So how is he to you? Is he nice to you?" He asked I tilted my head "Well... One way of putting it." He asked "What do you mean? Come on Amanda, we don't lie to each other."   

His right his my best friend,  I nodded saying as the words flue out my mouth "He told me he "fancied" me but I wouldn't take what he said seriously I know his lying."  He shock his head while sitting on the table seat as I sat opposite him then he said "I don't think he was lying, tell me how he acts towards you." 

I took a breath, I imaged what to say. I licked my lips and signed saying "His intense, friendly for that moment then changes to a dick head, his jealous of Charlie because me and Charlie hug."  Ryan was eyeing me and chuckled saying " And you think he doesn't fancy you  after all of that?" 

He was right, he must of fancied me at least a bit, I smiled and nodded Ryan hugged me and I held him tight and then later on Kelly came back but didn't tell either of us where she went. I shrugged it of  then Ryan was going back home, we were at the station Kelly was at the back waiting for me to come out once he left.  He was standing right affront of me, He smiled looking at me "Your going to be trouble ant you?" I chuckled "You haven't clocked that yet?" He replied " This isn't the last of me, Ill come back when your done." He stated he knows what Done means, Its when I'm done with blaming myself  because of my past. 

I nodded, hugging him tightly " I'll miss you." He replied "I'm already missing you" I laughed "Your so extra" "You know me babes." I smiled waving as he got on the train. He sat at back watching me, smiling. Cant wait till that day I see him again. I looked a long breath in and walked out the station finding Kelly. We got home, and it was dinner time. Once we ate and  all She went to the shower and I was in my room I got a call from an un known number So I picked up It was Harry, I asked "How did you get my number?" " Oh Kelly she came by the office today so I asked her for you number." How convenient  for her.   I replied "So what you doing right now?" "Thinking of you." His committed to his act Ill give him that, " Want to meet?" I said playing him at his game wanting to know how far his going to go.


I told Kelly I'm going out to call Ryan which was a lie,  she shouted saying go in the shower, Apart of me didn't want her to know this mainly because this is my secret and I liked it. Liking having a little fun, I met Harry at the office He was wearing his ripped jeans and black boots and white shirt, he was looking at me. With those dim bright eyes of his. I gulped walking towards him "I missed you." I didn't see what his response was as my head was down as I held my head up I told him I didn't tell Kelly that I was here with him. He seemed concerned "Don't let her find out Amanda, You haven't  seen her angry."  I laughed "Harry You obviously don't know me, She hasn't met my bad side when I'm pissed of." I said with a evil smile.  He nodded pulling his arm around my shoulders as our body's walked together out of the office.

***** Harrys place 

I was on his bed sleeping in his arms after a sleepless night. We were both having fun, we didn't really say what this was but for this time period I really didn't care because I don't mind not labeling it but I do hope we do at some point. It was morning, I was worried about my cover story for telling Kelly since she thinks I was talking to Ryan all night.  Harry was still in bed, I was up already in my clothes from last night and had my shoes on, I stayed in the living room watching the telly but I turned it of thought I wouldn't want to wake him.  I turned my head and then put it down I heard his voice half awake I could tell he was so I stood up and walked around his sofa and stood next to him he spoke "I thought You left when I didn't see you laying next to me." I replied "I thought I would let you rest didn't want to get in the way." His eyes drew me in "You couldn't, and you wouldn't . " I nodded as by surprise he threw his arms around me and held me tight like Ryan did, but his hug was different it was like he wanted to let go of the wall he has up but doesn't want to. I got that because its like me I'm not ready for that yet

I left but not before he kissed me, I got to Kelly's and it was quiet, bit to quiet. She was in the living room as I entered the kitchen "Out late?" she questioned "Yeah Ryan and I ended up talking for longer then I expected, sorry."  She smiled with that annoying "I told you so look" then she says " Oh really, I checked to see how it went and Ryan said you never called?"  she isn't going to win, she wants to play I'm the queen at this game.  I gave her a cheeky smile she thinks she won, so I say "Kelly you know your not my mum I don't need to tell you where I was and what I as doing." I stated as she grunted. "Your not going to win." She said with that mean glare I laughed "Oh Hunny, I already did." I said smiling at her.  

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