Chapter 26- Liar Liar Pant's on Fire.

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Amanda's pov:

My body shut down, I couldn't believe my dad was alive. It doesn't make sense, Is my life a lie? He died I fucking remembered him dying, or was that a lie. Him, maybe they made it up because Kyle's mum became pregnant?   I mean It doesn't make any sense. I was frozen Kyle's body was standing so close to me I could feel him breath.

I took a breath "Are you sure?" I asked looking only at him he nodded "Yes, I need your help you knew him the most." I nodded "Well Kyle he is my fucking dad." I asked "What's the problem what did you do?" He pulled his head down I eyed him "I swear to Christ, what the fuck did you do?"

 He looked at me "I didn't do anything it's about what your dad did.." I closed my eyes "What happened now? Why do I have to come?"

I asked his response made me sick to the stomach "He loved you the best." I shouted "No he "didn't" love me the best he was inappropriate with me not how a dad acts." "Just tell me with Liam." 


Everyone was inside, Liam looked worried Kyle looked at Liam and stated "I need to tell you all something."

There eyes looked like they were feeling fear, worried and concern. Kyle started talking about when dad was with Kyle's mum back when we were kid's, "There was some truth to the rumors." Liam stood standing "What rumors?" Kyle looked at him and not me "The one where he had sex with my mum, We share a half brother his sixteen." My eye's lit up "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" I shouted I moved from Kyle, I looked at only him "When did you find out.." I looked at him intently he came up to me "Get away from me!" I was on guard He looked away while he said "I've known since I was four teen." That fucking hurt. "Your Joking right? You never told me! We where together for years, we grew up together Kyle How dare you!" I began to cry didn't want to because It meant he won. 

"Now that hurt."  I took a deep breath "You can wish away me fucking helping you go ask Liam or better yet our brother, I mean we dated it's cruel not to tell me?" He shouted "It isn't like me and you are related it is only your dad and my mum who had a kid."  I turned back and said "If you need help ask Liam, and if you want me to meet him get my dad here and let him tell me himself if he isn't scared I mean he can't even face me after what he did."  

I stood up, I asked knowing there could be more to this "Tell me, is there anything else that me and Liam need to know" I waited, He looked at me and nodded "He, your dad Gordon Berry married my mother sixteen years ago." My heart just broke. I broke down, I began to fucking burst into tears. Liam came over to me "How could you? Kyle you never sent me a post card to fucking explain or better yet give me a fucking call to let us know That for one our dad is alive and two that he fucking got re-married." He nodded I looked at Ryan "Baby lets fucking go" I looked back at Kyle "Fuck it, My dad's got me to deal with, he can not make me go through that shit and make me think he died when We went through hell. We barred  him who was it we barred then? " I turned to my brother "We need to go. He doesn't get to get away with this he re married, Mum died and he thinks he can replace her?"

Liam comforted  me, my head resting on his chest my sister in law spoke up "We will come." I replied "I don't want the kid's to see  him," Liam nodded "For protection We will get Stacey mum to look after them." I nodded and so did Stacey. 


Harry and Kelly left knowing it wasn't there business but Harry said he'll give me a call, I just nodded so he would leave.  

Me, Stacey and Ryan along with my brother was in the living room talking about what we were going to do, Kyle tried to talk up I stopped him "You don't get to fucking talk this isn't about you OK You are not apart of this family." I said I knew it was harsh but what he did to me, not telling me my dad was alive was worst of all. "You need to understand he told me not to tell you." I quickly responded "What?" He looked down "He made a deal saying I could see you but I couldn't tell you he had a baby with my mum" I grunted "You are full of fucking surprises." Liam asked him a question he looked intently at him "How did you find this out?" He chuckled "It's a bit obvious when your mother is getting bigger and a baby popped out nine months later." He nodded Liam looked around all of us "So you ready everyone?" We all looked around, looked at each other there was this atmosphere of intense in this together sort of thing. I choked up saying "Lets face our Demons..." Liam looked into my soul then I felt it, he knew those words meant something. 


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