Chapter 19- Liams family

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Amandas pov: 

Its been months, I've kept busy with work and with Harry. Harry changed, I knew it but because I enjoyed the relationship in some sort of sick way I did, honest. But I guess I had to deal with the bad with the good.  Liam's been around more I've gone out with him spent time with him, of course that won't bring back the years we've missed with each other but at least its something. 

I told lies, I knew I wasn't the best but I did lie about having a family, Liam is my brother but I think why I never spoke about dad and mum was because I was scared, since dad beat me and hurt me he was messed up.   

I didn't want that, to have to worry about them so I went away after mum died, but I also left because dad did what he did I hated it honestly. I really wanted to stay for Liam, he was my baby brother my little me , the piece off me that I wanted to help but I've lost years I know that I can't bring back time.

It's early, Liam and I are at his place trying to make up conversation knowing he only wants to ask questions but I let it slip. He tells me story's then as I look around his house I see pictures off him and this women with two kids.

Is it what I think? I look closer to him and ask "Is there something your not telling me?" He mumbles "I didn't know what to- how to say it.

But I didn't want to hurt you." He says I felt confused "what you mean you didn't want to hurt me?" I ask he says "We had to grow up, sis we had to be the adults and not live in that world where you would take care for me all the time."

I still felt confused so I say "Liam It wasn't something I made myself do I enjoyed taking care off you, you where and still are my baby brother so of course I'll want to look after you best I can. "

His response was quick "I know that I was grateful but that just opens up the past off you being gone, but anyway back to what I wanted to tell you. I'm in a relationship and I have two kids."

"What?" I shout. This boy couldn't tell me earlier? "I'm a dad.." he says "Yes Liam I can hear. I'm just surprised you didn't tell me earlier." I spit out.

"I'm sorry. I should off. " he apologizes I nod so I'm an auntie Oh God. I ask the question " Do they know about me? The kids I mean ? The girlfriend?"  I ask.

Liams pov:

I knew I should off told her sooner but I just wanted at least a week alone spending quality time with my sister before she meets my family.

As Amanda was sitting there I mention "She knows about what happened, I had to tell her. You left." Her reaction was solid "Great Liam now she's going judge me before she even Fucking means me!" She says with frustration.

"She wont, she may be a bit skeptical off meeting you first but she'll love you once she knows you." I say best I could. She goes at it "Nobody knows me Liam. I made sure off that so I don't get hurt." She said looking away
I tried talking to her making sense off it all but she just pushes me away.

"You say how you want to look after me when you won't even let me look after you. It's my turn now please Mandy." Her face came back round to my direction and said "don't call me that.. Dad use to. Never called me Amanda."

I nod she changes the subject by asking what are the names off my kids, I say with a smile "My boys called Kevin and my daughter is called Carly."

She nods then she says "Does your girlfriend know I'm here?" I nod "I don't lie to her. I tell my partner everything Sis." She took that to heart "And your saying I do? Really Liam?"

I grunt with response "Amanda please. I want that to be in the past. We have a new future hopefully, you finally get with Ryan." I said knowing Ryan likes her and maybe she likes him too? One can only hope. I really hate her with that Harry guy good thing he isn't here right now.

Stacey's keys was opening up the door I was in the living room with my sister, in a moment I saw her reaction to the sound off the door, she for a second was scared off something. For me to see that I was broken. I may never say it to Amanda but she will never know the pain she caused.

Next there was a sound of a pushing pram my girl and the kids were walking in well Carly in the buggy. Stacey's eyes were first on my sister, Kevin's small charming eyes where on his auntie. His facial expressions where concern.

I look up at then and say "Babe, this is Amanda my big sister. Kevin love that's your auntie."  Stacey puts the buggy in the kitchen with my sleeping baby in it.

Once Stacey joined us Kevin was already sitting with Amanda smiling he looks at her and says "I like your hair" Amanda giggles in response "thanks I like your hair as well." He also giggles in response.

Stacey sits there patiently, looking at  her facial features as well. Amanda then turns to Stacey she gets out "It's nice to finally meet you." She gasps.

Stacey's voice is low " I understand you had a hard life, but leaving Liam shouldn't  off been an option." She says defending me, I turn to my girlfriend and give her the stop trying to make her feel worse look.

My sister's response was "With all due respect you don't know me, and you defiantly don't know our story. Sure your his partner and all but you didn't live the life I did so when you do come back to me." I must give it to her she kept calm when Stacey gave her attitude. 

Stacey's pov:

I get that shes his sister, of course I do. But she left him so long ago and my babies lost their auntie, I saw my baby girls eyes she had so much hope for this women. I saw the sorrow in them too though, and If I was going to give them anything it would to have their auntie back for good. Amanda gave me hope to, but for some reason I felt she lost hers ages ago when she lost her brother. I guess she deserves him back too..

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