Chapter four -

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Harry's pov:

We were inside the meeting and she was making notes as they spoke, I leaned back and for a moment glanced at her twiddling her fingers as she wrote notes about what has been said.

The head of the industry was talking and I was listening intently, but I saw her hair bounce of as it just slowly covered her face as she wrote more, I quickly pulled her soft hair behind her ear.

The men in the room Looked at me funny and also she did to, I spoke up turning to her "Sorry, it was bugging me." She nodded slowly acting like she didn't completely get why I did it.

Once the meeting was finished everyone left but I stayed there, the girl was still writing, I sat at my desk and leaned in to the chair but I watched her, to see how her characteristics are like she stopped.

Then looked up she turned to look at me "why do you stare ?" She asked I didn't reply for a while but then I replied "just looking."

"So what's your story, and mainly what's your name?" She just had her head down as I tilted my head staring at her completion she spoke " as for my story I'm an open book people already know what I'm going to do before even I do"

She continued to talk " and for my name it's none of your business." I then replied "so your not a people person?" "Well I don't know you, your a stranger to me." she pointed out.

"Alright I'll see you same time tomorrow, mystery girl." Her respond was hilarious "what you talking about?" She asked " well I assumed you want this job?" I asked she just stayed quiet and slowly tried to leave before she did she nodded slightly and left.

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