Chapter 27 - Should of known to walk away.

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Amanda's pov:

Once we called Staceys mum she came over and took the kids, they loved seeing their nana's face they went willingly. 

We were in the car, me and Stacey sat at the back since the boys told us to. Liam was driving and Ryan sat in the front , then Kyle sat on my side.

The weather was so beautiful, everything was coming to be Beautiful like it was but I knew we haven't faced the demons of our past yet. We got to a car station all the boys went out to get supplies, it was only me and Stacey.

"I can't believe this  is happening." Stacey spoke with concern, This girl is everything my brother needs in life.He found the one unlike me.

"Thank you. Thank you for being their for my brother when I couldn't, but you should understand this me and him seeing our dad isnt  going to be easy, we just been told his alive after so many years of thinking he died."

I said staring into her soul those greeny eyes looked safe. "Your welcome, his a great man even though he had his demons to." I nodded we hugged she continued "I know you shut people out, since you can't trust but I hope we can be best friends once day."

I nodded saying "If you look at us from before you didn't like me and now look at us." She laughed "True."

Once the boys where back they bought sweets, crisps and chocolate. I laughed while saying "I knew we had use for you guys." My boyfriend turned round giving me a grin.

I smiled back taking some crisps. Me and Ryan have not really talked but I know he wants to be here for support and I couldn't ask him not to since he would be coming anyway if u told him to stay.

In the car, were been driving for hours now and Kyle asked me a intense question didn't know if I could give him a answer "What you going to do when you see Gorden?" I made a face "Honestly, I have no idea. I mean I hate that I love him since his my dad I should, but worse of all I hate him more then I love him."

Kyle didn't expect that so he just stays quiet and doesn't speak. "His changed." Kyle still speaks I say something "All demons do." I muttered Liam gave me that look like I know he did us wrong but give him a chance.

The difference with me and Liam is he forgives more then me, maybe I should but he is less strong as me he gives in more so and I'm a bit of a fighter like mom.


We went past a sign saying "Atlanta,Georgia." "Were here." Stacey spoke up.

"Do they know we're coming?" Ryan asked "No." Kyle said I responded "Its more fun if they didn't so We can see there faces."  


"Were here." Ryan slowly spoke. We pulled into the drive way and I froze. Liam turned back to look at me, Stacey and Ryan got out leaving me and brother and Kyle in the car alone. I put up my head and turned to both of them "What do we do?" "We see our demon.We need to face him." Liam says.

I nodded, we got out the car. Ryan came towards me and held my hand, Liam went to Stacey she took his hand and we walked Kyle stood right next to me. Liam rang the door.

I couldn't tell you the fear and anxious feeling in my stomach I was getting. A boy opened the door, the half brother Kyle said. I turned to Kyle nodded.

The boy smiled and Kyle "Kyle your home dad's going to be so happy, you invited your friends over we can get them in for dinner if you want." I laughed and bursted through the door.

Liam shouted "Amanda you can't Fucking go into dad's house like that." My eyes poped up, "What?" The boy said the look on his face "You look just like him. Alright enough of this where is he?"

Everyone was in, we were in the living room while Kyle explained who we where, Kyle said our half brother was called Calum. I nodded "So tell me, where is he?"


The door went and Kyle's mum walked in and saw all of us. Her eyes stopped when she saw mine. "What on earth are you doing here?" Liam came up to me and stood next to me saying to her "We have a Fucking right to know that our dad is alive and not dead? Don't you think?"

Dad came in, my body went  tense. "But Amanda left me and you left me Liam why would I come after you?" my dad said, as he stood next to his slutty wife. Liam shouted "Your still my dad, your still our dad."

I looked at him, I made myself look at him. "Where do you have the right to make us go through that? You 're married. What about mum?" I began to get annoyed, Calum spoke "What I thought you died with her?"

I laughed and shouted "That the lies you are telling your son are you joking me? No our mom died she had cancer and what he thought he would do would be hook up with the slut next door." Kyle's mum Barbra shouted at me "How Fucking dare you? I looked after your father when you left him, you hurt him." She says  that was it I Fucking threw the roof down "I hurt him? You don't know what hurt is. He was sick twisted man I wish mom was alive to see this." 

Ryan had enough, he came up to me and touched my arm speaking "Babe lets go, come back when things cool of." I nodded looked up at him but dad noticed. "Ryan?" His voice was harsh Ryan's annoying face which I use to hate was showing on his face which helped me strongly defend myself, "Yes sir?" dad's eye brows were raised "She ever hurt you?" I closed my eyes Took a breath I knew what He was doing "I remember when she got with Kyle." I opened them looking at Gordon "Dad stop." He ignores me and continued "No, I need him to remember how bad of a child you are. You went from Ryan to Kyle or was it Kyle to Ryan?" Instead of giving in to him I retaliated and said "If you want to go there lets, why did you tell Kyle not to tell me about Calum I have a right to know I have a half brother?" I wanted to see his reaction. He played dull "What?" He says.

I gave up, I wanted to give in. "You know what? I'm done. You fucking win, You can have your perfect life and perfect messed up family. But how could you? You were suppose to love us, why did you not tell us? We have a right, We are your children" 

I turn to Calum, I looked At everything from his face to feet I viewed him as a piece of a puzzle that he had no choice but to be let in since my father is a cruel man. He brain washed him.

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