Chapter 23-

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Amanda's pov:

I should of known this would of happened I mean I didn't think, I went with out thinking. I did what my dad would of called "A not a understanding choice." I woke and Ryan's body was laying there in a piece state. I mean honestly why did I leave? Is it because of Harry? that I'm scared of him. I knew that I was, I never met a person who was as skilled as me with creating things and not giving them an answer.

I sat up, grabbed my phone and of course had too many missed calls from Harry, I mean I left my fucking boyfriend In New York and now I'm in Atlanta,Georgia. He left voice mail's, I tapped it and heard his husky voice.

As I heard them I thought what if this was reversed and my partner left me? and never told me they were going to leave? I'm a bad person. I mean OK, I'll play happy family's and go back to Harry I mean he could come and find me. He could be like dad. I need to, go back what was I thinking I could run away?

Amanda's pov:

After the shower, I was dressed in tight jeans and a black top and my nikes I got off Ryan'd mum, I walked towards the door I said to Olivia I'll be back soon I just needed a fag.

She just nodded thought I actually smoked? I laughed inside but I got outside and walked along the street,I wanted space, was that too much to ask? I took a breath.

Maybe Harry won't find me?It isn't too smart to think like that because faith has a funny way of catching up to you.

Other thing my dad said "Never underestimate faith because it will come back to bite you." After that I was on a street corner, saw a beach in the corner but I saw shops actual shops that I knew not like being back home only with a one shop that sold cheap beer and cheap vodka. That was the only thing I knew honestly.

I held myself in that moment, I think I see Tristan. I walked on then saw his dark eyes that gave him away. I put my head down, walked on I knew something was different about him like dad use to say "Everyone has demons". I laughed, I heard my name behind me. Shit. "Amandaa" I closed my eyes.

Flash back

"Dad can you fuck off!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I was about fifteenth, his voice never use to scare me but mum did. She would hit. But I knew it was her illness that made her to it, or that was what told myself. I didn't want to think she could do it either way so that was what I went by. I ran away. I wanted to get so far away back then, he would shout I wanted to tear my ears off.

"Who where you with last night?" I shouted "None of your gone dam business." I huffed sulking but he came close "I'm your father so it is my business Missy, where you with that Bright boy?." I took the chance and I ran in that moment, if he knew he would beat me. I went to a park. I saw a boy from school who wasn't Ryan but other boy, walking on the road. I use to talk to him but before Ryan he was my everything. He loved me too much. When I saw him in that moment fear excelled in my body I couldn't breath.


"Amanda." I blinked, Tristan was standing right next to me. "Shit what you doing here?" I asked trying to cover my surprise. His response was

"I could ask you the same thing Missy." Oh heard that before. I replied "I asked you first." He grinned walking so I walked by his side. "True, just came to visit a friend. He lives around here." I responded "Oh nice what's his name?" He instantly said "Kyle,Kyle Bright. I laughed, "I know him." I said. No idea why I smiled but I did.

He was a lost love that never came back not like Ryan I mean I love Ryan but I knew Kyle before Ryan, I knew Kyle we grew up together.My dad was hooking up with his mum but it was portrayed that they were "just good friends" but that meant me and Kyle saw each other almost every day.

Tristan just smiled "Alright lets go, need to to do other errands." And with that we left.


When we got to Kyle's I started to get a knot in my stomach. I knew he made me fear him but loved him at the same time, maybe people change? Well dad never, so maybe he didn't. I won't know how he is now if I dont try to see him. I'll make it back in time to see call Harry it'll be fine.

Tristan knocked on the door, I counted the minutes. The door was opened with a women, when i saw her face I knew it was Mrs Bright never forget that face.

Her smile lit up Tristan's, we came in and Tristan spoke proper, "Where's Kyle?" He asked Mrs B said "Upstairs on the roof. Walk through the stairs on the top floor." We nodded.

Pushed on the door and walked through the wind, should of known he would be smoking. I laughed. He heard then he registered my face and his dropped and came smiles. "Some things never change." He was spechless, Tristan and him spoke I just became the third wheel, didn't mind. I just moved and left them to talk business because with Kyle its always business. I glanced at the view, beautiful.

I saw the boys behind me, I heard Kyle ask how Tristan knew me he said I'm dating the boss

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I saw the boys behind me, I heard Kyle ask how Tristan knew me he said I'm dating the boss. He laughed. I turned, I always use to love Kyle's laugh.


"Kyle!" I shouted, I stood on the wooden ledge that was above the sea. I was facing the ocean, I spoke "it's beautiful." He came from behaviour nd me and planted kissies along my neck.

He pulled me as I turned, he made me want him, he made me think I was going to lose him so I always tried to keep him happy. He pulled me up and pulled his hands over my shoulders and we walked on, "I love you so much."

"I love you more." I said He nodded "I believe you." I hugged my boyfriend, he picked up my legs and it hung on his hip, he then he slowly sat in the ledge and my legs where still on his hip.

Amanda's pov:

I was still on the roof, I gave in and smoked. I felt someone come behind me the toxic smoke smell filled the space I was in. "I never knew you smoke." I heard him Say "I don't." I squished my fag then turned around.

He stared at me, for too long I noticed it. "I missed you." I lifted my eye brows he grunted "what?" I felt annoyed "What do you mean you miss me, you never came after me."

He shouted "What you expect me to be like Ryan?" I twisted my face "What do you think I mean?" I asked he stopped talking then.

"I had to keep track off you over the years." How did I never know that..
"I never thought that. You never told me. Why did you leave it for so long?"

He shut it all out. He left it, and instead he reminded me of when we were at the beach, him holding me so tight that I couldn't breath but yet I didn't want to. And me breathing in his beautiful smell intoxicating.

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