Chapter 20- Look who's decided to walk back in ...

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Note, that I'm sorry for not up dating in forever but I'm back.

Amanda's pov:

Noisy music was blasting on and on, in my mind. I woke to the sound of my niece and nephew, Kevin and Carly were dressed smiling at me.Stacey was up to, her eyes were on me as I was having her children on each of my lap. Smiles where around everywhere the kids seemed to enjoy my company.

Her hair was tucked back with a big clip, she moved towards us and sat opposite me, "kids go and see if daddy's awake."

They nodded and followed their mothers order I smiled "morning" she nodded "So what you going to do today?" She asked me I replied "Probably going to receive a call from my boyfriend."

She slowly nodded her head then responded "Hey, me and Liam need to do some stuff today can you look after your niece and nephew?" She gave me such a look hard sturning look, she continued "I'm giving you a chance." She pointed out.

"To mess up." I spat out she shock her head "No Amanda I wanted you to spend time with them, you missed out on so much." I nodded "Trust me I know." I said.


Later on I was leaving with my small niece and nephew Harry called me then asking where I was I said I'll be home soon. I was holding my baby niece on my hip and my other hand was free Kevin was next to me instantly walking with my pace.

We were about to cross the road and I felt his small light soft hand attaching on to Mine. A small smile came but apart of me hated his response "Mandy I love you." Part of me wanted to shrivel up inside but this innocent boy doesn't know my past which I should be grateful for.

I grunted it out of me and instead I gave him a smile saying back "love you to babe." He giggled. Once we got home there was no sound, I hope Liam's OK with this since I need to get on with the things I need to do. The kid's were staring at me but I left them on the sofa putting the t.v on as I looked round hoping to find my boyfriend.

The shower was on so I knew he was here I shouted "Hey baby, I'm back." I waited for a response he took a moment then opened the door poking his head out "Baby, Come here." With the door open I heard the water thunder down like a complete crush.

He said with a cheeky grin I hid my smile but I shock my head he then noticed the infants "Babe.." I spoke up "There with me dont worry."

He closed the door swiftly I thought is he mad? upset that I let these kids in with out permission? He came out had a towel around his body there was an elastic band holding the towel.
Then his eyes found mine like a lost sheep in a herd being pulled from side to side. I looked at him "Who are they, I'm assuming there not yours or you would of told me but you are the secret type so..?" He questioned "Of course not there Liams kids, his girlfriend just suggested I spend time with them."

He nodded then looked at them, he smiled at Carly. I hope this wont be like last time. I stopped him staring any longer "Babe go get change I'll wait." He grunted but smiled then came walking up to me and planted a soft healing kiss on my lips it felt like I was waking up from a long dreadful sleep. I turned to the joyful yet worried babies that looked so innocent to be messed up with a auntie like me.

I sat down next to them Carly came toddling along to me and came up to me wanting me to pick her up so I did so.

Harry came out in a vest top and tight jeans with his normal black boots. He smiled at me as he held his ray bands putting them on, letting me lead the way I instructed my nephew to walk along with me he walked out the door I followed Harry slowly right behind us, Carly was getting rest less. Kevin looked at Harry intently "Are you my auntie's boyfriend?" he bravely asked.

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