Chapter 7 - Day two.

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Amanda's pov:

Lights blossomed as the sky lightened through my curtains as I opened them, I opened my eyes smiling knowing today will be a good one as I would get more information on Harry.

I got washed then put on my make up then got changed into a dress with the boots that had a bit of a heel on it. I brushed my hair with the brush then I walked down stairs.

Kelly was dressed in a robe and her two hands was on the counter with her head down looking like she had a headache. I made a face while looking at her and I asked what was wrong she said she was ill so she asked if I could go and tell her other employers that she wont be in today while I'm on my way to work.

I checked the weather it was better then most days, light and breezy so I took a chance and went with out my jacket before saying good bye to Kelly hoping she got better. Outside was warm and the weather gave a refreshed feeling. I was walking past shops and billboards of different famous people just having a glimpse of fame and fortune even though I know I will never have it, which is fine I don't want that life. I pressed on and continued to walk I was near Kelly's flower shop and then I walked in there, there was a sound as i came in I turned around and saw a bell that made me smile.

I went to the counter and I saw a guy with a name tag "Charlie" he had dirty blonde hair and a killer smile, he looked like someone you can tell your secrets to but he also looked interested in breaking your walls down. He smiled again putting his head up asking if he could help me I just replied " Hi, I'm friends with Kelly and she isn't very well so she wont be coming in today, just wanted to tell someone that was in."

He nodded and continued "Oh You know Kelly? great and thanks for telling me, Your new right I haven't seen you round?" I took a breath and nodded saying "Yeah, I am new but my best mate introduced me to his sister who is Kelly and shes helping me out so I'm crashing at hers for now." I said trying to form a smile. He smiled again, then before I left I opened the door i turned around and said looking at him "Hey, you can kill someone with that smile one day" I noted smiling as i walked out not before I noticed him grinning at me.


I was ten minutes late but I rushed to the building, got to Harry's office, as I walked in he was at his desk moving in his seat he instantly looked up and he looked angry "Amanda where were you for god sake?" He said now standing up right opposite me "I'm sorry,I had to go and do something for Kelly shes ill." He rolled his eyes "Amanda she isn't your boss, Your suppose to answer to me." I stood there with eye brows raised "Harry, You are not the first man to try and control me OK, Your not the first person to tell me who I cant help. She needed it and I apologized to you what else do you want from me?"

Before he left the room he turned to me and said "Your doing over time half an hour, you took time of me so now I do it to you."

I shouted "Thats so un fair! I was only ten minutes late!" His response made me cringe with annoyance "I'm the boss remember I choose"

The anger I felt as he walked out, was increasingly growing fast, the tension of his anger was really odd I mean there was no point for him to be that mad at me I couldn't believe why. I distracted myself as I got on with my work sorting of the other files. I got tired, bored and my throat was dying of thirst so I walked down stairs and went to the water fountain pouring it in my plastic cup, filling it all the way. Then I saw a glimpse of Charlie, I thought it was him. I looked again and it was, I smiled calling his name to see if he would turn. He did, I sipped my water and then he nodded walking over to me he leaned in and hugged me, "Hey didn't know you worked here" I nodded "That's me full of surprises" he laughed.

"Whats your name?" I was thinking if I should tell him he looked like he knew I was thinking so he blurted out "Oh come on, It isn't fair you only had to look at my name tag so please." I rolled my eyes biting my lip "fine, Its Amanda." he nodded as he was about to leave Harry saw us and I shouted in my mind shit then he was next to us he looked at Charlie then back at me speaking "Amanda I don't pay you to flirt with florists" I moved my head asking "You two know each other?" Charlie nodded and Harry just shouted "No, We don't." Then he walked of in the other direction.

I took a moment and my mind just went over what just happened Charlie spoke softly "We grew up together, We were in freshman year together also so we were close something happened and he stopped speaking to me."

I didn't know how to reply so I just spoke " just stopped with no reason?" He nodded "yes." He then looked at the clock in the corner and then said "I'll let you go I don't want him to get mad again at you." I nodded as he walked of.

Not the first time today. I rolled my eyes as I walked on to the second floor, I got to the office and I just felt tired like I didn't want to be there but then I knew I had to show Harry u could.


I finished my work, it was after late now Kelly probably called me worried about me maybe. I was still sitting on the chair waiting to talk to him but I chose to stand getting my things together then I double cheaked If I was ready I was.

Harry appeared outside the door way and asked me instantly "Where do you think your going ?" I raised my eye brows "hmm home? I'm starving haven't eaten since this morning" I noted he didn't speak for a while which annoyed me since I couldn't leave because he was blocking me in.

"Alright alright" he spoken softly "what?" I said in a aggressive manner "Thats not how you speak to somebody who's going to pay for your dinner now is it?" My mind didn't just realized what he just said so I asked about "What?" He took my hands and lightly pushed me through the doors saying "Come on I'm starving to."


When we finished eating and talking we were walking to Kelly's and then before i got in I saw him looking at me and he smiled at me and grinned before he walked of "Hey Amanda, just remember to be careful. Charlie could hurt you." I tilted my head and said "Unlike you? No ones innocent Harry you should know that better then anyone". I said giving him a fake smile walking into the house.

Kelly's pov:

I was sitting in the kitchen as I heard Amanda walk in seeing Harry's body walk of I questioned her and asked why he was there she said "He took me to eat since we were hungry" That some how made me feel good knowing shes doing her job of finding things about him and destroying him.

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