Chapter six - Day one.

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Amanda's pov:

The bed sheet was warm and cosy, it has been a while since I had a good nights sleep. I got up and I heard the ketel go of so I walked down stairs and smiled at Kelly she was holding her mug and smiled back "morning, how was your sleep?"

I nodded as it went into a smile " yeah great I needed it." She nodded then said "I'm guessing you didn't bring any clothes with you?" I shock my head "No, I didn't have time to Er - bring them" she nodded then spoke lightly "it's fine for the time being you can have some of mine."

My face formed a smile so easily as I said thank you. Once I was up stairs she shown me multiple choices of clothing. I picked Black jeans that was tight and a black vest that looked like a belly top. Then I chose from two types of shoes I chosen the Nike shoes the colour was deep black.

I went down stairs once I washed and borrowed Kelly's eye liner I asked her before hand. Down stairs she was sipping her tea and I smiled greeting her, she started the conversation "So have you got a job or would you like me to find you one?"

I shock my head "No no, there's no need I have one." I said with a smile she looked intrigued "oh who do you work for?" I took a moment before I replied to her question I then slowly said "Harry Styles? You heard of him?"

I looked at her facial features to spot any surprise her temples risened and her eyes brighten, I then spoke "You know him?" She nodded intently "Everyone knows him. His an Ex of mine." That moment my face changed an Ex?

Interesting "Oh why did you two end it?" I asked feeling curious She leaned in on the kitchen table and then spoke softly "His not somebody who you would think to be in a relationship, he is a special case when it comes to women. If your working for him now you'll see it, women flying in and out asking "for Mr Styles" you'll be able to stop them they act so innocent."

I took a breath "You seem to know a lot about this?" She nodded "I caught him with one in his office and I saw him with one they were kissing and taking of her clothes, her name was Lilly" I closed my eyes for that moment then re opened them "I'm so sorry."

She shrugged "it's fine we don't talk no more but his a dick, if you have time destroy him for me." She said staring right at me her eyes looked like she was hiding something, they looked dark and scary for that moment.

"I'll do my best" I said the best I could then I cheaked the clock telling her I needed to leave to get there she said she was leaving to so she would take me there I agreed and we walked out the door.


Kelly and me were talking then about everything, she tried to figure me out but it didn't work I'm not opening out to anyone. Ryan gets it we then spoke about her brother she knows I'm his best friend so she likes that I'm staying with her so she then knows me to.

We came to the building she turned to me give ng me my phone since she put her number in there "there, I work over at the flower shop so if you b red me call me." I nodded she smiled and then hugged me, on the other side of the pavement I saw a tall figure walking near us as he got closer I knew it was Harry.

Well This might be a tad ackward as Kelly turned round Harry saw her and he stopped and looked then at me she moved to the side and then turned to me saying "have a great day!" I smiled saying thank you.

I then proceeded to the door of the building Harry followed behind as we were looking through the lady at the reception nodded at us and then we were in his office, As I stood there he came from behind then spoke while walking to his desk "So Who do you know her?"

I acted dumb "Who Kelly?" He nodded turning to look at me "oh that guy who I was on the phone to that night, that's her brother and that was my best friend." I said smiling grinning and secretly inside enjoying this.

His eyes expanded with fear and he slowly nodding sitting down as he said "Alright lets get to work"

Harrys pov:

She sat down with her bag out taking out her pen and notebook to write down things during the day. I pulled up my laptop and logged in then i called her to come over then she walked slow then she looked up then she asked "What do you want me to do?" I pulled files out from all over the corners of my desk then i pulled out some that i placed in my arms then i looked on the desk while talking to her with out looking at her " Im going to ask you to look at these files of these ladies who auditioned for the job, then after that write if they got it or not and you can chose up to two."

Her reaction wasn't much to go on, she then replied "What are you going to be doing then?" I instantly replied " Oh i will be out for most of the day."

Amanda's pov:

I laughed at that fact in my mind then i was thinking to look at how he acts with other women, i was sitting doing my work on the other side of the table then a women walked in, with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She stood in the middle of the room i just put my head down not really caring what she was doing here, Harry was surprised she was there he stood leaning on on his table looking at her "what you doing here?" He asked her she said looking chipper while glancing at me "Are you ready?" He nodded but didn't move. He looked over to me and said "Can you look after the fort for a bit, Amanda?" My eyes widened I nodded as i didn't know what to say to him. How does he know my name?

He left the door swinging open with the blonde waking affront of him,the first one.

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