Chapter 5 - Harry

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Amanda's pov:

I left the building, the weather was crisp and cool so I managed to calmly walk, but I had no idea where I was going. I have no where to stay I walked on, I stopped at this house I was on the other side of the road staring.

I never saw a house that pretty before, I loved the colours so dark yet a hint of glamour throwing a bit of dazzle in there. The sky turned dark and I was still standing there a tall figure came from the other side of road and he spoke deeply " what you doing standing here ?"

I had a double take and looked at him, it was Mr Styles "what are you doing here?" He replied fast "I asked first" he remarked "I'm-" I tried to say but in that momemt my phone buzzed and it was Ryan I held out a finger to signal I would talk in a second.

"Hey what's up?" Where ever he was it was nosiey so I didn't hear him that much but he said " where are you?"

I replied slowly "New York.. Why?" His voice was some what harsh "where you staying? You don't have a place right?" I instantly replied "nope" he spoke "ok you remember my sister right, Kelly well she lives in New York I'll give her a call and I'll get back to you, and where are you right now?"

I put my phone on my chest for a moment and asked Mr Styles where were we he said Bright road I nodded and told Ryan the information, he ended the call and said I'll call you once I speak to her.

I hanged up, "So who was that? A boyfriend or brother perhaps?" Mr Styles asked "A best friend actually he always has my back." He replied asking "why ant you with him then?" I tilted my head "that's a story for a different time".

He nodded and stood there looking at me like he did before, "Your a strange person." I felt puzzled "is that a bad thing?" I asked stepping closer looking right at him then I continued "Its better to be strange then being the person who's running away from their demons." Even though I am.

His face turned and he looked like he was going to say something, Ryan called I spoked "one moment" I then picked up and spoke to Ryan his voice made me think that what I'm doing is a Good thing, "ok she says you can stay with her house and it is on Bright road door number six."

Before he went I said thank you and we ended the conversation. I hung up and then looked at Mr Styles "can I ask you something?" His reply was intense the way he spoke "Depends" I took a breath "what's your name because I don't want to only go by "Mr Styles?"

He took a breath and was thinking he finally spoke "Ok, let's make a deal?" "What kind?" I instantly replied "you tell me something about you and I'll say my name deal?" I was once again feeling puzzled "what do you want to know?" He tilted his head and said "What are you scared of ?" I didn't need to think "Everything." I kept my head down "come on cough up what's your name?"

"If you think about it you didn't tell me anything?" He instantly said I replied "To me, it was everything" I said staring at him he moved his lips huffing "Fine, Its Harry" he said as he walked into the darkness Then he vanished.


I walked across the road and came to the door and found number six the house was huge I thought lucky Ryan to have a rich sister then she opened it, her face was pale and her eyes were a dark brownish black colour and her hair was midnight black colour. "You Amanda ?"

I nodded she walked away to let me in I closed the door, and then for that second I was thankful I didn't forget Ryan he came in handy.

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