Chapter 13- Texas here we come.

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Amanda's pov:

It was the Friday morning, everything was chaotic, things flying around. I was packing Harry was already packed, I took longer finding the clothes I was going to take, I brought jeans, crop tops, long jumper. I was ready, It was like I had a chance to leave all the bull behind have a break and be away from Ryan. It was hard of course for me but I managed to hide my actual  feelings from Harry. I want Ryan back in my life but that comes with problems to do with Harry and with myself. 

I was at the end of finishing of with my  packing then I quickly put in my lip gloss and lip sticks. Harry was downstairs or so I thought but then Tristan walked in, he turned and stared at me I put my head down and giggled to myself smiling up at him waving he waved back Harry called him then he disappeared. Once I got the bags that I packed I chose my black heels as normal then I had a double check in the mirror one last time, My eyes so alive never been so afraid of life, of living. 

Once I got into the car the boys sitting upfront talking about how everyone will meet us up there, I dont know how Harry can stay calm with Tristan they never have been able to stay in a place with out shouting or screaming at each other.  Rosie was texting me that was the only restful feeling I had on the journey. I pushed my arms to the window and had my hair previously in a messy bun holding my head on the window, my phone buzzed in my hand tingled a bit. 

Rosie: Hey girl, you on your way ? Im in the car with Lilly, shes driving Im just chilling at back with all the the god dam bags, I mean she brings so much.

I laughed. 

I replied: Lol, My kind of girl she gets me. I can't but not bring extra things. I'm same as you just chilling back here leaving the boys to it. Cant wait I found out theirs a pool !

Rosie: oMFG you joking? Like seriously WE deserve this shit like seriously we worked our ass's of like wow. Awesome alright babes you know where to find me.  

I laughed as I wrote on: Yeah alright I'll see you there then I'm Ganna sleep for a bit.

I closed my eyes for a moment then drifted into a sweet uttering sleep. By the sound of the corner of the ground turning I could feel as my body shifted as the car turned as I fell over the seat belt .

Harry looked over with his hand on the steering wheel, saying looking at me "Sorry babe" he says with out any remorse at all. But then Tristan says smiling at me "You feeling ok?"

He looked into my eyes I stared long and hard but looked away and got out the car closing the door behind me distracting myself Harry comes around and grabs his bags and mine I smile thanking him. Tristan walked behind me as he had his bags I felt in mind he was smiling at me even though I didn't see him.

We went to our hotel rooms I pulled my bags on  the floor and fell on the big beds and stayed still  for a second. Roise walked into my hotel room with no bags, I assumed she left them in her room. 

I ran up to her and pulled my arms around her and she exclaimed with joy we jumped up and down like children. We loved that moment I knew she did and I did.

We turned around and Harry walked in we turned and walked out the door I turned back quickly and said "Sorry baby I'm going around the hotel with Rosie seeing what's what." He nodded saying "Dont be to long hunny, I'll be in the shower." 

I nodded.


After we walked everywhere, we saw a bar downstairs, a cocktail bar, and the most amazing part was there was a mall across the road. I liked that but I also liked the pool. The pool was marvelous and so large lucky we had money but also our bikinis we ran up the stairs we went to Roises room first she got her bikini which was white and mine was  plain black, we got to my room Harry left he didn't even leave a note but I knew he was around probably with Tristan or something.  

I got it on and pulled my hoodie covering the bikini then we got flip-flops and walked down the stairs. We got so ecstatic, there was so many people here . I took of the hoodie and revealed my thin body to the world. Then we went to the pool, we only put our feet into it we enjoyed the breeze really, still couldn't find Harry nor Tristan there was new faces walking around, there was adults, a lot of men and women, My eyes was playing tricks on me, I knew it was because I saw Ryan in his black trunks he was talking to someone I couldn't see.  I continued to look the face turned around, I raised my eyes It couldn't be. Could it ? I  ran away from him. I ran away from my family. why is he here..

With frustration I said "Shit. Whats he doing here?" What will happen, I haven't seen him in years. Will he  take me back?  Rosie noticed my worried face as she says "Whats wrong babe?" "My Brother, whats Ryan doing with him?" 


I walked up to Ryan with range "what the fuck you doing?" He didn't reply only complimented me "Well don't you look fetching babe." I rolled my eyes "Whats He doing here?" "Oh you mean your brother?" He was playing dumb "Yes him." I say he reply's "Oh come on babe you can't even say his name.  I brought him here maybe to put some sense into you and take you home. You need to end this, I told Ill come back when its over." "It isn't thought or I would come but Im not ready" I say with no promise. "Amanda go and see Liam."  

Speaking of the evil, he comes behind me and says "Its been a while, come home baby sister." Then I knew I was in trouble. 

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