Chapter 21- Shit.Shit.Shit.

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You find a bit of the past in this chapter about Amanda and Ryan's story.

Amanda's pov: 

So it was back to normal, I was back at Harry's. I think he wanted to get us back to normal well how ever we were before this mess happened, He isn't really happy about Ryan staying with Kelly since that means Ryan's more close to me, he hates the idea but apart does to because it shows how venerable  I am to him. It's like because his closer it makes it easier to fall to the charm of his and it's easy to find myself talking to him when I don't want to.

Ryan's been spending time with Liam so its hard finding the time to be with my brother since knowing he actually wants me to get with Liam. Harry doesn't like the idea of me and Ryan bumping into each other. Stacey called me that morning asking to have a girly day with her, she words where "Getting to know the sister in law", guess thats a good idea. 

Harry was out by the time I was up and he left a note for me to call him when I was out of bed, I felt annoyed he makes me do things and then makes out like it isn't his idea. He controls me. I grunted and got up then found myself in the bathroom, then I was staring into the mirror. I brushed and brushed until my teeth were hurting. Then I spat then after I sorted myself out I went into my room and got changed into sweats and a long top with my hoodie. I grabbed my keys and walked out. 

Then I was walking to Stacey's,I knew if I didn't call Harry this second I would get this heated argument when I get back, and It would be my fault since I know if I call now I would save myself now. But then again I should allow myself a break shouldn't I? Alright, I'm risking it I won't cal him.  


Stacey's pov: 

Amanda's pov still:

After an hour the sun came out and it was great, then after a coffee and Stacey's attempted to get me to open up we were looking once again into a photo diary, but it was all Liam's pictures he had since we were young.  I only noticed my pictures late in after our third glass of wine, before hand Stacey said the kids where with Liam and Ryan in a park. I didn't hear the Ryan part though.   

She opened the page to a picture of me when I was like thirteen, I think the girl who was with me was my best friend, it was different then. She was the best friend I could of asked for. I didn't move or go anywhere. Mum and dad were happier back then that was a great time. I had such long dull blonde hair did nothing with it. I think mum was taking the picture, loved her more then my own life I thought the amount of love I had for her was to much but I didn't care.  

The next picture was me and my two other best friends, I became friends with those girls in high school. That was a different time I was into different things I think thats when problems where starting for me. We were all different that was what drew me to them two in particular. I was the girl with the head band and that black mini skirt. 

The next picture was of Liam when he was a baby, I loved taking pictures of him, that day in particular was so nice, It was me taking care of him while mum and dad went out for the night. He wouldn't let me out of his sight he always give me big sister cuddles.

The last picture was of me and Ryan, that  was before everything. He was my first. I mean I knew him but it was before us being best friends that was a brief time period where we found each other attractive and we loved each other. It's true he knows about that day in school I just pretend that It doesn't exist. But I can't pretend when I'm around him.


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The boys came back, me and Stacey were almost drunk, we heard them walking in all they heard was our laughter after me telling her embarrassing stories about my brother. Then they walked in and gave us that protective dad look yet annoyed, Liam went up to put the kids to bed, when he was back the boys sat with us. 

They joined us later in the drink, Stacey was in the kitchen then Liam saw the pictures and came sat next to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. then we hugged for a long period of time.  He left after to join his girlfriend in the kitchen. Ryan came and sat with me, he started at me "Hey" he muttered half drunk his eyes fell on the page were we were touching a perfect smile formed on his face. It then transformed on to me. I hated the time we had and have apart right now so I stupidly didn't realize what my drunk self was doing until I heard the gasps of my brother and Stacey as I held my head back realizing we just kissed.And his body had me on him lying down. Shit.... I need to run again.   

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