Chapter 29- What did I do to Harry? ..

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I am back, I have all the time to write now so enjoy these next couple of chapters :)

Amanda's pov:

After the weeks of staying in my home town I thought I should go back to Harry and have that one on one talk with him, I think it's time. Everyone was already up and I was the only one still in bed, I opened my eyes and smiled as I heard the bird's singing in the distance, I got up, I brushed my teeth then done my hair. Left it out, after brushing it through. Then I put some make up on and looked through my clothes, and I put on a top and a long lose flowing skirt which was pale white, I grabbed my flip-flops and took one last look in the mirror.

I was about to leave my room but I saw Kyle leaning on the wall staring at me, "Morning Kyle" I greet him with attempted of a smile and I walked fast him he walks with me down the steps of the hall way. "So?" I say to stop this awkward silence he grins as we still walk "Just wanted to thank you and tell you we will get Calum back," I almost laughed "Thank you for saying Calum and not "our brother" I think I might of thrown up." He nods "Noted same." I stare at him and said "Don't think this will make me forget what you feel for me." He turned his head to the side "I know, You won't make me forget it. I know your feeling's towards me." I smile "Great." I was about to go but he says "But it doesn't make me want to give up because I won't."

I stop moving, I turn to him and I see a door closed and I grab him by his top, touching his shoulder moving into the room. Once the door is closed I gave him a steady look and said "Listen hear OK, Me and you will never be together." I eyed him he grunted "Tell me why? Give me a reason?"

I instantly replied "OK how about the fact we share a fucking sibling your telling me that is not at all creepy?" "We could see past that, it isn't like he is your full brother and plus his our half brother also we are not even related." I replied "It's still sick, Kyle." I looked away He wanted to bring me back, "OK OK, tell me other reason?" I nodded "How about the fact I have a boyfriend and if he knew he would beat the crap out of you." The atmosphere seemed slightly biter sweet, yet I knew he would say something to ruin this "I doubt he could lay a finger on me, I'm quiet the good boxer love."

I grunted and walked away, outside where everyone was. As I entered I saw the round table, and everyone was sitting there having their drinks. I found a seat next to Stacey and Liam, and there was no one sitting at the front, as I took the seat Kyle came outside and walked towards us and he slowly caught my eye and took a seat affront of me.

All eye's fell on to mine, I look around as I took a sip of a beer, and gave a award winning smile to my Brother. As I glanced over at Kyle then asked Liam where Ryan was I didn't know if I was ready to know his ans, but as I spoke he came walking towards us coming towards me standing next to me and stood next to my seat, and stared at Kyle. We all spoke and thought about going to get Calum but I had a different agenda, I wanted to leave and get back up to see Harry.


I was outside the motel now and I was about to leave, I had my stuff on me I carried it with my back back I found in the lobby and took it, Stacey saw me, shit. "Hey" I tried to be the same but she knew something was different "Amanda what's going on?" I put my head down feeling dumb so I signed "I need to go back." Her eye brows raised "We try and get you to come back and you do but you want to go back why?" I looked away as I said "Harry." "You have a boyfriend Amanda,-" Stacey tried to point out I rolled my eyes "I know, don't you know that I get that. I just need to sort this. If I'm going to come back here and make a life I need to sort out my problems, understanding my dad and I have had issues he makes me feel like I don't want to turn out like him so I need to do this, I want to sort my problems out. So please understand. I will come back I promise." She signed smiling "Well I will remember this conversation and I hope to god you do come back." She smiled hugging me goodbye.

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