Chapter 11- His back

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Amanda's pov:

Weeks went by and we did not hear a word from Kelly, Harry thought that was it. Oh no I knew It couldn't be I mean, if this girls is as damaged as me and is as "bad" as people say she is she isn't down.

So I'm just going to wait here for a shoe to drop. It was a Tuesday and Harry went away for this business trip he came back home last night he went for a week. He bought me back a necklace, it was so pretty. Beautiful really gorgeous, black filted with diamonds.

I think he spoke about me, he tells people that were an item, a couple but I just hate that I feel differently, I felt like I was alone. Even though people knew it wasn't exclusive like he hadn't introduced me to his family and eiher did I but I have no family.

So that would be ackward, I'm happy we wasn't at that stage but when the time comes and he wants to know what will I say? The question still worrys me. I havnt even heard much from Ryan to which scares me the most.

I mean his my best friend and I love him, it's like an addiction. Not the same addiction like I have with Harry, with Ryan it's like needing to have him as my best friend and if he went away I would completely snap.

I was at home as I made some tea after a stressful day at work, I now have my own office and made new work friends, a girl called Rosie, and a guy called Tristan. Tristan reminded me of Ryan in a way, he had the same blondish sunlight hair and his eyes were dark brown, Roise had like Brown hair and blue eyes.

I got a hold of their numbers and I spoke to Roise more but I think out of not wanting me to feel left out Tristan gave me his number. Harry knew but he knows I don't text him.

The tea vanished as I finished it putting it in the sink, I leaned on the counter and put my hands on each side, I got a message :

Roise: hey babes, you coming to the pub for the hangout?

I glanced at it, I heard the door go Harry was home. He smiled and walked to the bathroom shouting back "taking a shower."

I replied: mmm

Roise: babes pleaseeeee I don't want to be left with everyone. Get Harry to come to, he never comes to a work outing.

Maybe because his the boss and is doing paper work?

I replied: I'll see what he says

Here goes nothing. It wants that I was worried about him, it wasn't that he was the "controlling" boyfriend but he stepped up because now everyone's knows were together. It's like if they ducked with me they ducked with him and he gets really angry. So I try and make him happy.

I took the invitation, walked into the bathroom slipped of my clothes and surprised him from behind, he smiled and gave me that feeling he was on edge. "Baby what's wrong?" He instantly replys "work load is killing me"

"Aww baby" I said giving him my sympathy tone "what can I do to help?" He gave me a cheaky smile and says "rub my back it's hurting" didn't expect that. But I did it, he turned the water was still pouring on both of us so I was drenched in hot water.

I put my hands in a circle and starting rubbing the top on his back and moved closer getting the feel right, I went down near to his bottom he squealed out "right there." With a smile I gave a weak one. He knew something was up " baby what's wrong?"

I told him Roise wanted me to go to the work gathering he then had turned round listening to me he nodded he asked "Is Tristan going?" I tilted my head "not sure maybe, I guess if Roise asked then I guess so." He nodded not convinced.

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