Chapter 2 - Deep shit ✨

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Chapter 2 - Deep shit

"Give her the dick" - Rene Descartes

"As fun as this really hasn't been, I'm going to leave now" I say turning around, only to have a warm arm snaked around my waist.

"You're invading my personal bubble" I whisper silently, something about these men just made me nervous.

Well duh

"You can't be here alone at night" he whispers in my ear.

"You're right so I better get going" I whispered mostly to myself as I was too nervous to actually speak to him.

I was turned around to face a pair chocolate brown eyes realising that this means that he's far too close for my liking. His minty breath hints my nose, as I push him away from me. While stepping back he looks at me confusing manner.

"Don't I get a thank you?" he provokes watching me closely, almost studying me.

"Thank you" I mumble wiping invisible dirt off of me, I manage to look up at him properly, then I remember the guys behind him, and I take a quick peak

They're taller than me I doubt that I could out run them even though I am a pretty fast runner.

But then again, I tend to grab yolo by the balls at the wrong time

"Come on T we need to go when did you start soft she aint one of your toys." Other man says seriously, whilst glaring at me.

'T' glares in response turning back to look at me

"Your weak, you should learn to stand up for yourself." He states looking at me up and down.

How dare he I'm not weak sorry I wasn't prepared to be robbed, idiot.

"Theo why are you wasting your time here we got a job to do." The other man behind him snaps making me take a step back.

'Theo' simply shrugged like this job meant absolutely nothing to him.

Oh crap. What if they're the real cannibals

"Who are you?" I asked gaining confidence from somewhere. The man behind Theo snorted

"Who are we?" it came out to be more of a question I was clearly amusing him as he had a smirk plastered on his face w

Was I missing something?

"I'm Theo this is Alex, Mason and Jacob and we're-"
Holy mother of jelly beans

"S-storm" I gasp as a horrified expression passes my face.

thugs, murders just plain monsters.

Cannibals would be better.

I think that I was better off with those three other guys. These guys were pretty scary criminals they ruled over England, Mexico, parts of Russia, rumour has it they even have spies in the white house.

And this is how I died...

Only joking

But I did get dizzy which, unfortunately meant Theo once again wrapping his arm around me, sending mini electric shocks through me only making me panic even more then I was already was .

Now hyperventilating I push him from forcefully taking off in a run just about managing to push past the guys behind him.

Now hyperventilating I push him off of me, before bursting out into a run, just managing to push past the guys behind me.

I see Brooks apartment building in view and I run faster, pushing open the large fence I scramble to the doorbell

I press the doorbell so she could let me into her apartment building,

"h-*sniff*hello" answers on the intercom

"BROOK LET ME NOW!" I screech with desperation dripping off every word I spoke

"Who is it?" She asks a few seconds later

oh for the love of crispy creams

"me dammit your best friend Skye" I say getting seriously pissed

I could getting murdered right and she asks 'who is it'.

I hear footsteps coming closer and start to panic again, the door beeps signalling I'm saved, I fling open the door the sprint up the 3 floors to her apartment.

Huffing up the last 4 stairs I almost cry at the sight of her bright red door.

I start to bang the door praying that brook will hurry the hell up. When she finally gets the door open I push past her slamming the door behind me.

"You're lucky I love you bitch" I breath dramatically collapsing to the floor

"I could I fricking died you know." I add
Brook snorts making a few strands on her blonde her cover her face, she starts to smile slightly blinking her red puffy eyes

"Dramatic much"

the nerve of this girl

I huff standing up a yanking her to the sofa as I start to explain what just happened.

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