Chapter 13- Finish✨

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Chapter 13- Finish

"Adults are only kids grown up, anyway"

Theo drops me off at the training centre, when I walk in everyone automatically stares at me and starts whispering. A middle age man waves me over

that must be Bob
"Hi I'm Skye I was with Theo sorry I'm late." I say even though I could hear snickering behind me.


"never mend that boy always makes people late" he said shaking my hand probably dislocating my shoulder.

"Well stand in line" he says afterwards, I speed walk to the end of the line and turn around to see someone else handing out guns.

I'm the last one to be handed a gun everyone else starts loading bullets but I just stand here like a complete idiot.
"Psssst" I turn my head to see a girl staring at me amused

"Here watch me" she smiles, I follow her steps a soon have a loaded AK-47 in my hands
"Thanks" I say happy with myself.
"OKAY LISTEN UP YOU EACH HAVE 3 TARGETS LET'S SEE HOW DOES THE BEST" shouts Bob scaring me alittle with his sudden loud voice.

We each go into to our different booths "3.2.1" suddenly everyone starts shooting there gun my first phew were completely crap but I started to get the hang out it after a while. I was pretty proud of myself.

"OKAY THAT'S IT FOR TODAY GET THE FUCK OUT IF HERE!" He yells after we've finished

After I put my stuff away I can still hear people whispering about me stuff like
'That's Theo's new whore' and 'looks like boss beat her already she must be annoying as f' I walk faster to Brook's room. She was let out earlier this morning and was sleeping all day today.
I open Brook's door closing it behind me. "Oh I see you remember I'm alive then! I thought you were to busy fucking your boyfriend to check on me." She snaps as soon as I enter the room .

Oh the nerve of this bitch.
I have to stay here forever to save her arse!

"How dare you! I've been doing shit all day to protect you! And I come here only so your can diss me. All the things I have done where to help you! It's not my fault your can't stick up for yourself!" I scream at her first I have to deal with people talking shit about me at training and now here.

Brook gets up from her bed and runs to the bathroom crying. "Oh jesus give me strength" I mumble
I walk out of her room giving herself chance to cry it out.

I bump into Theo on the way to my room "Hey. You okay" he says commenting on my distressed look.
"No. Brook's being a bitch." I say upset i push past him wanting to be alone only to have him grab my wrist stopping me.

"We got some of the stuff from your place but your going to have to go shopping for more stuff." I gave in a confused look

what happened to my stuff?

"The police took the rest" he says.
"Oh." I say wanting my stuff back.

He pulls me into his chest and I look up and him,
" I believe we have somethink to finish" he he whispers huskily in my ear.
"Umm-" I'm cut off by him pushing me through my bedroom door.
He slams his lips into mine he pushes me on the bed neither of us breaking the kiss. After a few minutes of heavy making out he breaks the kiss and gets up.

"Err" I say slightly confused as he walks over to the door and locks it

"Can't have anyone walking in again can we?" I nod and get up walking over to him.

God I'm falling for him hard.

I stand on my tiptoes and continue to kiss him, he pulls away and guides me toward the bed. He sits down on the edge of my bed pulling me on to him.

I straddle him as he brings his lips onto mine, I run my fingers through his causing him to groan.
I slowly start grinding my hips on his crutch causing him to place his hands on my hips stopping me.

"don't start somethink you can't finish Skye" he says in a warning tone. I smile innocently and glide my hand under his top. "Now you've done it" he says and in one swift motion throws me onto the bed.
He takes off his top then my shorts and places his self in between my legs. I look at him wide eyed "I did warn you" he says slamming lips into mine.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter sorry not good at sex scenes even though that doesn't even count as a sex scene *ew* *throws holy water on everyone*
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