Chapter 23- Cold baths✨

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*3 months later*

"Sky wake up" Theo whispers in my ear, I groan and turn to face him.
"You have the ultra sound today" Theo says brushing a few strands of hair out of my face. I nod and sit up.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"9:45" I groan and collapse back onto the bed.
"Sky" Theo says in a warning tone. I cover my face with my arm and turn my back to him.
"Go away it's to early" I mumble. I hear him chuckle and walk into the bathroom.

Over the last 3 months Theo's been treating me like a Princess, he's been looking after me even in my mood swings, getting me my weird cravings and even gives me feet massages when my feet 'hurt'.

Brooke told me the next day that her and Jacob slept together, I had to pretend to be shocked then give her the sex talk, to which she just groaned and ran out the room.

I hear the water running in the bathroom and I take my arm off my face.

What's he doing??

Theo walks out of the bathroom with speed straight towards me, before I had time to react Theo picks me up bridal style. I screech and wrap my arms around him.
"Theo. Put. Me. Down." I say in a serious and warning tone. He looks at me and laughs.

He walks into the bathroom with me clinging to him for dear life.
"Theo what are you doing?! " I screech as he dangles me over the bath.

"I told you to get up" he says lowering me "No!!! Wait, wait. I'm sorry I'll get ready I promise" I plead knowing this is freezing cold water underneath me.

The studies me for a minute, nods and puts me down on the ground.
"Okay. You got 20 minutes Dr. Winchester's busy today" he says closing the bathroom door behind him.

Theo owns this place! Why couldn't he 'book' a appointment for later? I groan and take the plug out of the freezing cold bath. After it finishes draining I take off my clothes and step into the shower, I squeal at first when the water comes on because it's to cold but it eventually warms up.

*15 minutes later*

"Sky? Hurry up!" I hear Theo shout from the other side of the door.
I groan and turn off the tap. I slowly step out holding my baby bump.

I wrap the towel around me and walk out the room. I find Theo on his bed on the phone to someone.

"No I haven't ........Why?......Tomorrow?....Look I can't okay?...bye."

"Who was that?" I question curious.
"No one" he says getting up and walks towards me.

I give him a questioning look but decide to drop it knowing it would probably end in an argument.

He walks upto me and wraps his arms around me kissing my forehead.
"Love you Sky." He says.
"I know I'm fucking fabulous." I agree kissing his cheek and walk around him. He chuckles and slaps butt making me gasp in suprise.

I fake glare at him. "Meet me in my office in 10." He chuckles walking out.
"10-4!" I shout saulting him as he closes the door behind him.

I grab the spare clothes that I have in Theo's room which is a top which says "sisters before misters" which just about goes over my baby bump and denim shorts and of course under wear. I dont know how girls cant wear bra's. After changing I grab Theo's jumper and put it on. I walk out and knock on Brookes door best to check on her right?

I hear shuffling and mumbling before Brookes head pops out of the door.
"Heyy Sky" she says looking at me with wide eyes.
"Hm okay? Just checking on you." I reply back to her.
"I'm good" she says quickly nodding.
"Okay well I got to go but.... Hi Jacob!!" I say before running off in the direction of Theo's office.

Short chapter here wonder who Theo was talking too?
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