Chapter 17- Feisty ✨

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"Don't let me drown"- Anon

Skye POV

I start to wake up to loud voices.

"She's been out for hours how much of that stuff did you give her." Some guy shouts

ugh what happened?

I groan attempting to reach my head but soon realise that my hands are tied down
"she's waking up!" Another man shouts grabbing my face. I shake my head out of grasp

" Get off of me" I spit. I feel a sharp pain rush to my cheek and I released that he just slapped me stunning me I wake up completely.
He chuckles then drags a chair from across the room placing it in front of me, he sits down then stares at me for a few minutes.
He lefts out a large huff and leans forward placing his elbows on his knees "Well this is boring. Aren't you going to ask who I am or start crying begging you to let you go?" He questions placing his hand on my thigh. I snort and shake is hand off of me
"I couldn't really give a flying monkeys arse about who you are" I hiss sending him a cold glare.
"Wow" he says shuffling the chair closer to me.
"I like them feisty" he states smirking down at me. He places his hand on my thigh again. He starts to rub my inner thigh.
"You know I could treat you better than Theo does." I shake his hand off my thigh angerly.

" Go fuck yourself" I say as I spit on his face. He takes a tissue out of his pocket he wipes his face his calmness scaring me.

Suddenly he stands up with so much force he sends the chair flying backwards hitting the floor with a crack. " You see I didn't want to hurt you, you little slut but when you force my hand I don't aways have a choice" he says punching me in the face. Sending me flying backwards still tied to a chair. I gasp for breath winded.

" You might not care about who I am but I'm going to tell you anyway."
Great I can't breath and I'm getting a life story.

"Has Theo ever mentioned me?" He asks putting my chair in its original place. I shake my head no.
"What a shame never even mentioned his own brother. " He says with fake shock. I shake my head and look down.

"He only has one brother your lying" I say looking up. Theo couldn't have lied to me about his family right? Especially after I told him about mine and he knew how hard that was for me.

"I was always the favourite of my stupid parents." He lets out a dark chuckle staring at me up and down. I start to feel uncomfortable under his glaze.

"They may have loved me but they took everything from me to train me to become the leader of there stupid gang." He shouts stepping closer to me.

"So when I killed them I didn't even blink." He screams grabbing my face probably leaving bruises.

"Your sick h-how could you kill your own parents" he let go of my face and smiles at me "it was very easy actually."
"Then when Theo comes for you, oh and he will. Then I'll kill him." I look at him in shock.
"He's not coming." I say looking at him in the eye "Your wasting your time." I hiss glaring daggers at him.
He slaps me in the face again. "Want a bet? How about your life." He says pulling out a gun pressing it to my temple.

I huff staring at him "really? How long did it take to figure that one out?" I say bored. A few months ago I would be really freaking out if some one pointed a gun at me right now I couldn't care less.

"Why am I hear anyway? I mean apart from leading you're younger brother to die? Why you'd pick me." I snap.

"Because you're his weakness" he chuckles

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