Chapter 20- Listen✨

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"Skye. You have to talk to me at some point" Theo says walking in front of me.

At the warehouse where Theo's 'brother' kidnapped me Mase came  round with a car shooting the people at the window. He had blood covered all over him and looked shaken.
I haven't spoken to Theo since. Brooke is pretty pissed at me but then again she always is.

"Skye? You blanked out again" he says snapping his fingers in my face, I flinch. He looks at me with a sad expression and sighs.
"Skye you know I'm sorry. I'll never hurt you again." He says taking a step closer to me. I shake my head a look down.

"Brooks boyfriend said that every time" I whisper

"Your a liar" I spit looking up at him with confidence.

"You know how hard it was to tell you about my family" I say louder. My mum died when I was young and my dad was never in my life I have a brother so where but he doesn't care about me

I had to make it on my own.

"Skye if I told you about him you wouldn't have-"
"Slept with you?" I cut him off.
"Your damn right." I finish giving him a deadly glare.
"Your carrying my baby. If you like it or not-"
"How do you know it's yours" I cut him off again, his jaw tightens and his fist clench as he's trying to control his anger.

"Because I'm the only whose fucked you" he says throw gritted teeth, I blush and look down.

Why does he have that effect on me.

"Yeah well. Ugh!" I groan frustrated. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the his office.
I pull my hand out of his roughly.
"You don't give a shit about me! Where's that blonde you were fucking the other day? Got bored?" I screech finding confidence from nowhere.
He looks at me darkly and pushes me into the door. I puts both hands next to my head.

"Shut. Up." He growls looking at me. The little bit of confidence I had shrink away. I shift uncomfortably under Theo's hard glare.

"This is what I'm talking about! You can't just boss people around, treating them like shit in the process. But as long as your happy right Theo? "

"You just don't understand" he says dropping his hands by my head.

Understand what?

"Then let me understand" I say quietly.
"I fucking love you" he shouts suddenly startling me.
He what!
"W-what" I say gobsmacked.
He loves me.
"You love me?" I say smiling a little.
Talk about completely unexpected-
HE LOVES ME! I pull him into a hug shocking me and Theo.
"Wait." I say pulling apart,
"You have a shit  way of showing it." I say with my head to the side.
He brings his lips to mine.
"I'm sorry Skye" he mumbles into my lips.

"Trust me I never say sorry" he says kissing my neck.
"Hurt me again and I'll kill you in your sleep." I mumble as he finds my sweet spot. I push his chest making him pull away from me.

"I still can't forget how you lied to me" I say fiddling with my thumbs.
I guess i can forgive him.. i don't have anywhere else to go..

"No more lies or secrets" he says seriously lifting my chin up.

"Brooke?" I call as I enter her room. I hear noises coming from the bathroom so I walk towards it.
" jacob" I hear her moan. I gag and my eyes widen.
"Holy crap" I whisper to myself, stepping back from the bathroom door.
I open her bedroom door and speed out.
Ewwww gross.

"She got over max fast" I mumble to myself.

"Skye?" I hear Bob call from down the hall.
"Yeah?" I answer back walking towards him. "You haven't seen Jacob have you?" My eyes widen.
"Jacob? Pshh no." I answer looking around.
"Okay??" He says looking at me strangely.
"Bye?" He says.
"Bye!" I answer back. As soon as he turns around I race back to Theo's office. I knock on the door.
"Come in" He answers. I open the door quickly and close it behind me.
"Skye what's wrong-" he starts
"Omg i walked into Brookes room then i heard stuff then eww so i ran." I say not making any sense. The looks at me for a minute then sips his coffee.
"What?" He says looking at me like I was crazy.
"Jacob and Brooke are having sex!" I shout. He chokes on his coffee and looks at me
"What" he says getting up.

Hope u enjoyed that chapter.
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