Chapter 3- I'm not weak✨

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Chapter 3- I'm not weak

"To define is to limit" - Oscar Wilde

"We should call the police", Brook says as she drinks the last of the melted cookie dough icecream, which she didn't share. That icecream has been through hell and back.

She wipes the last of the cookie dough icecream off the corners of her mouth with her wolly sleeve

"Are you crazy?!" I shout jumping up from the sofa, 'Storm' don't mess about, they hunt down and kill people who have called the police on them, it's happened before and it's not going to happen to me.

"Don't call the cops B I'm serious, you know what the risk is if we do, I'm not dying over icecream" I warn her.

"I'm sorry for not letting you in sooner, or letting you come all the way here at night by yourself" Brook whispers as her eyes started to water. I reach for her hand,
" y-you could have got k-killed" she whispers quietly hoping I wouldn't hear but I did.

"B, it's fine, I'm alive i didn't come  for you to worry about me" I sat changing the subject, I didn't want to think about it anymore. It's in the past.

Brook has been in a abusive relationship for awhile now, it didn't aways use to be like that. Me, Brook and Max - her boyfriend,  used to be best friends. Until something switched inside him.

As much as I try to stop her, she keeps running back to him. She would stay at my place for a few weeks, he would come around with cheap flowers, lies and a fake smile and she would automatically forgive him. Blind to the lies.

Brook is like the little sister I never had. I'll protect her no matter what.

'You're  weak' kept replaying quietly in my mind, I wouldn't consider I was weak just simply not as strong as he was, plus it was three against one.

"H-he hit me again" she whispers snapping me back into reality as I tense as she continues,

"He's drunk again left two hours ago to the pub again with this month's rent. I-i love him but this has to stop. Can I stay at your place? Until he's calmed down again."

I sigh at this repeated cycle I'm stuck in.

"Of course you can" I say slumping into the sofa, hugging a pillow.

Without warning there's a loud thump at the front door making Brook and I both jump. We both look at each other alarmed.

We both look at each other horrified,  Through didn't follow me right? Maybe it's just a neighbour. It can't be Max he usually stays at the pub for hours.

But then again they could have seen me coming into the apartment, if so we're screwed.

"Open up bitch!" We slightly sigh at the familiar voice, but then tense again as we have another problem.


"Get your bag" I order Brook she nods and jumps up running into her bedroom, she comes back out a few seconds later.

"I forgot my fucking keys! Open up now or just wait until I get in there!" He screams banging on the door again.

She whimpers and runs behind me. I shove my star wars collection into my bag and take out my earrings.

'You need to know who to stick up for yourself.'

Breath Skye Breath

Brook taps my shoulder and I turn and look at her. "When I say run, you run OK? " I order. Her puffy eyes widen and she nods.

Abruptly the door crashes open, revealing a pissed and drunk Max, in his right had crushed flowers.

I protectively make sure Brook is behind me,
"Didn't you hear me knock?" he slurs starting to step closer to me;
"Oh was that you?" I retort
He gets closer to me, his face inches from mine as he towers over me. Him being 6'3 and I'm a smaller 5'7

I stand my ground trying not to show my fear.
"Move" he spits his salvia touching my face, wiping my face with my jumper sleeve I look him in the eyes

"Or what?" I snap I'm not usually one to provoke but this dick just spat in my face. What do you expect me to do crumble and give him trembling Brook behind me?

Brook pulled on the back of my jumper warning me to stop. Too late now.

'Your weak' Theo's voiced repeated on my head. I can't afford to be pushed around my whole life. So I'm not starting today.

I stand up grabbing Brook's hand, forcefully pushing past Max.

I march towards the door only to be stopped by him running in front of me.

"she ain't going nowhere"

"Yeah, I have a different plan" he doesn't move.

letting out a frustrating sigh I drop Brook's hand and take a step closer to him

"Move" I spit now my time to do the bossing around, instead of him moving he forcefully pushes his hands into my chest making me skid backwards, also winding me. Brook gasps as Max advances her, not able to do anything as I can't breath.

He grabs her and pushes her against the wall. "Stupid bitch thinking you could just leave me? After all these years?" He screams at her tears fall down her cheeks.

"Excuse me Monsieur fucktard, we aren't finished yet" I say wheezing as I tap his shoulder

He drops Brook and turns to me he throws a punch at me but I duck. I kick him in the stomach and he stumbles back coughing.


"Brook run now" I don't need to tell her twice, we both run for the door. I close it behind me as we sprint down the stairs.

"GET BACK HERE!" he screams as we finish running down the stairs. We run out if the apartment building and straight into a mountain.

"Ouch" we mumble then look up in horror to see the one and only Theo storm staring down at us.

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