Chapter 24- Gender?✨

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I knock on Theo's office door.
"Coming Sky" I hear him say. He opens his office and closes it behind him giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You ready?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist. I nod my head and stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips.
After I pull away he smiles at me.

*At the ultra sound*

Dr . Winchester invites us in and I sit down on the bed he grabs the ultrasound machine from the other side of the room
"Pull up your top please" Dr. Winchester asks holding the gel in his hand. I see Theo shift uncomfortable.

"Don't worry Theo she's young enough to be my daughter" Dr. Winchester laughs. My eyes widen and I giggle too.
I lift up my top and he places the cold gel onto my stomach.

The monitor goes on and he places his finger on the screen.
"Here's your baby" he says there's a loud thumping in the room which I guessed is the baby's heart beat.

"Would you like to know the gender?"
I look at Theo his eyes are wide staring at the screen like it's the only thing in the room.

"Yes please" I say knowing Theo is to much shock to answer.
"well..." he pauses and looks closet to the screen
"It's a girl" he smiles.

"Yes!" Theo shouts from behind me. He kisses my lips and I smile at him.
"A girl" I say exicited yet still in shock.

"I can't believe it" I say my eyes tearing up. Dr. Winchester gives me a tissue to wipe of the gel after he's took the pictures.

"Come back next month" he says handing us the pictures.
"Okay thanks" I say taking Theo's hand and walking out of his room and closing the door behind me.

We walk back in silence to his room with Theo still looking at the photo's.
Once in the room Theo puts one on the pictures on his bedside table.

"You don't have any plans today do you?" Theo asked changing into his gang uniform.
"Might watch a movie or something" I answer fiddling with my necklace, my mum gave it to me the day before she died, it was a silver locket with a small family photo in it which is me, my brother and my parents.

"Okay well we're going out somewhere tonight at 5 so be ready."
Going out? Like actually coming out the gang house for once?

Theo reads my facial expressions and chuckles.
"Yes Sky outside" I squeal and hug him. I've been outside but always the garden.

"I'll see you later okay? Look after my little girl" he says kissing my lips and rubbing my stomach.

"Will do" I agree. He walks out and I lie on the bed.
"Where are we going?" I think aloud.

Very short chapter hope you enjoyed it.
Does anyone have suggestions for girls names?

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