chapter 33- My little girl✨

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"Skye he's coming" Theo says carrying stuff into the room. I groan as the pain gets worse.
Brooke runs into the room a minute later in her pj's.
"Skye!!" she shouts shoving Theo out the way. "Why is everyone shoving me?" He mumbles walking around the other side if the bed.

"B it's to early" I groan clutching my stomach. Tears for in my eyes partly because of the pain but mostly because I can't bare for anything to happen to my little girl.

"You're 8 months she'll be fine" Brooke reassures me. I nod then scream as there's a over powering pain in my stomach.
"I'm here" Dr. Winchester announces walking into the room in a blue apron on.
"Do you have drugs?!" I whimpered from the pain.
I feel Theo's warm hand in mine and he looks at me reassuringly.

"Theo carried them in" he says going through the stuff T had brought in.
He takes out a bottle of clear liquid and a needle.
I tense just looking at the needle.
"Do you have to use that?" I ask pointing a shaky finger at it.
"Skye you'll be fine" Dr. Winchester reassures me.

"Okay?" I mumble still clutching my stomach.
"Sit up please" he says with the needle in is hands.
"where is that going?" I panic.
"No where bad I promise." Dr. Winchester says.

I feel a soft pick in my back and the pain dyes down, I sigh and seat back.
"Better?" Dr . Winchester asked.
"Much" I sigh.

"My assistant is coming shortly first let me check how dilated you are" Theo tenses next to me but then relaxes.

I take off my underwear and and spread my legs apart and he checks.
"7 cm, that was fast" he says slightly shocked. I hear Theo inhale deeply next to me and turn to see him looking pale.
"You okay?" Brooke asks him as he looks like he's about the faint.
"I've been better" he stammered.

"Suprisingly Theo doesn't like blood" Dr . Winchester chuckles grabbing a towel.
Theo glares at him but Dr. Winchester pretends not to notice and continues,
"You should have seen when he was 5 he scraped his knee and cried like a banshee complaining about how he couldn't stand blood" he laughs.
I giggle slightly smirking at Theo.
Theo is about the reply with a smart remark but is cut off by me shouting out in pain.

"Ouch" I cry holding my stomach letting go off Theo's hand.
"it's the contractions" a lady says coming into the room.
"Ah Helen" Dr . Winchester says shaking her hand.

"I can take it from here, john" she says walking towards me.
"Okay call me if you need anything" he replies walking out and closing the door behind me.

"You must be Skylar" she says holding out her hand.
"Skye" I correct. Only my mum called me Skylar so it was weird anyone else calls me that.

"Apologies" she says walking around the bed.
"Please open your legs" she asked kindly. I open them "9 cm" she says grabbing a pair of gloves.
"Get ready to start pushing soon."
I nod and suddenly realision hits me.
I'm going to be a mum. Theo seems to have the same type of thought as he smiles brightly and kisses my sweaty forehead.

"You can do it Skye" Theo says.
"We're right here with you" Brooke adds in after.

"Okay Skye I need you to start pushing" she says I grab Theo and Brookes hand and start pushing.

Who could believe that getting robbed that night in November could lead to this moment. Having the man I loved most in this world and having my best friend and the other side while I give birth to a beautiful little girl?
My mum would be proud if she were here. She would have kicked Theo's arse for getting me pregnant, probably getting Brooke to cut his dick off, but right here right now, I know she would be proud

"Keep pushing Skye" Helen says a towel ready in her hands.
"Come on I see a head!" She adds, I push harder squeezing Brooke and Theos hands.

"Come on Skye" he says I scream push one more time before a loud baby's cry screamed through the room I sit back as happy tears flow freely down my face.
"A healthy baby girl" Theo breathes.
"Whose going to cut the cord?" Helen asks.
"Brooke can" Theo says staring at his daughter.
She hands Theo our baby and gives Brooke a pair of scissors. She cuts the cord smiling as happy tears are in her eyes.

"I'm your dad" Theo whispers holding Alexis who is wrapped up in a towel.
"Here's your mum" he says giving me too her. I take her gently and hold her close given her my body warmth. I hear a sniffle and see Theo trying to compose himself next to me.

"It's okay to cry" Brooke says truthfully he nods as a tear falls down he's cheek.
"My little girl"

awwwww the next chapter will be the last.
How cute was that family moment.?

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