Chapter 15- Fucker ✨

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"You is kind, You is smart, You is important"

*3 months later* (a.n sorry for the big time jump.)

For a whole 2 months mine a Theo's relationship has been perfect he treated me right, looked after me and made me feel better when I was upset or angry. We talked alot about our past and getting to know each other more.

He's actually not as scary as he looks.
But lately he's been avoiding me and dodging my questions.

I don't want to sound like the clingy type but he's never there anymore it's werid without him.

I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with him in but the early stages. He found his friend Mase some gangleader somewhere kidnapped and held him hostage but he's fine now we actually became pretty close friends, Theo's not happy since I learnt his the jealous possessive type and doesn't like me talking to other males apart from Jacob and Bob.

Theo also taught me how to fight, Jacob taught Brook some stuff aswell (personally I think there's something going on between those two.)
Lately I've been eating more and I start to throw up a lot Theo just says it's some sort of tummy bug.
So now I'm standing in front of the mirror in a crop top and shorts looking at my stomach. "God you've gotten squishy, dammit pizza" I say to myself.

Brook walks in and frowns staring at my tummy "what are you doing?" She asks confused.
"Nothing" I say looking at her innocently.
She walks up to me and pokes my tummy softly frowning she looks up at me in alarm

"when's the last time you had your period." She screeches.
Crap! I'm late!

"Like 2 months ago" I whisper looking down. I can't be pregnant Theo and I used protection and I'm pretty sure it didn't break.

"I'll be back" she says leaving me to crumple to the floor in tears I can't be pregnant Theo's going to flip he'll kick me out and abandon me alone with no money and a BABY!
Brook comes back in with a pregnancy test

"why do you have that" I exclaim pointing at it, she rolls her eyes

"they have a storage cupboard filled with random things here."
I stand up and take the test from her then go to the bathroom.

*10 minutes later*

the test dings telling me that it's ready "Brook go and look I don't wanna" I say looking down at my stomach.

"I'm going to be a auntie" Brook screams tackling me for a hug. I automatically start crying, after a few minutes I stand up wiping my tears.
"I better tell Theo it's better to get it over with." I say shaking. She nods at me giving me a reassuring squeeze.
I walk out of the room and across the hall to Theo's office. I'm just about to knock on the door when I start to hear moans coming from the other side of the door.

Maybe he's using his hand like I suggested .
I open the door to find him humping some slut on his desk. For a moment I thought I felt my heart my literally ripped out of my chest and the whole world stopped.
"T - theo? " I whisper but his head still snaps up and his eyes meet my watery ones. His eyes wides as he pushes the girl to the side buckling up his pants.

"I'm sorry bab-" he says trying to apologise but I cut him off holding up my hand

"no I'm sorry I ever thought that I loved you." I spat we so much venom dripping off of it. I swear I think I see Theo's eyes start to water but I turned around to soon to know for sure. I sprint to my room but of course Theo being faster then caught me by my waist. I let out a high pitched scream slamming my fists into his chest. I didn't want his hands on me they've been all over her
"Get off me!" I say desperately

"look baby I'm so sorr-"

"Jacob!" I scream as I see him running down the corridor to see what the screaming is all about.

"Get him off me!" I cry trying to pull away from his tight grasp.

"Man get off her" he growls pushing him off me. I run into my room and grab my suitcase I can't stay here any longer who cares if someone kills me out there.
Theo comes barging into the room closing the door behind him
"fuck off" I hiss.

"No. I love you, you can't leave me" he says as a tear falls down the side of his face. I snort then get closer to him using all my will not to just wipe his tear away.

"Oh but you don't Theodore do you? Your simply uncapable to love. You wouldn't know love if it came up and wiped your arse. So go fuck yourself or that blonde because I . hate . you."

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain against my cheek causing me to fall down.

He hit me

"You're a monster" I spit

automatically my hand goes down to my stomach protecting the baby inside if me.

"GET OUT!" He booms with his hand raised ready to hit me again I brace for impact but it doesn't happen. I look up to see Jacob tackle Theo to the ground I jump up and throw stuff in my suitcase zipping it up I run for the door at the corner if my eye I see a unconscious Theo and a heavy breathing Jacob. I look at Jacob before saying
"look after Brook she's my everything" then i run out the door not glancing back.

Right now I'm at the bus stop where it all started, crying whilst looking at my ring. God why do I still love him

"we don't need him" I whisper to my bump. I take off the ring and put it the bus stop bench
"That's right you don't" a voice comes from behind me then a hand goes around my mouth and it all goes dark.

I'm evil hehe
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