Chapter 4 - unlucky✨

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Chapter 4 - unlucky

"I've just got to maintain my passion for what I do" - Leo d'cap

A.N this is Theo

What. The. Fuck

Does luck just plain and simple hate me? I am probably the officially unluckiest person alive.

Did he see me come in here? Was he following me? Where are his sexy henchmen?

Heavy footsteps come from behind us and I jump up pulling Brook behind me. We both see Max stomping down the stairs looking alot more sober.

He flings the door open, Brook sends me a frightened look and I gulp at her. I push her behind Theo.

No idea why.

He looks at me confused, again. Is that the only emotion he's got?

Max throws a punch grazing my stomach I flinch but bite back the pain.

I throw a punch hitting him in the right eye with a satisfactory crack, he groans in pain then charges for me, he throws another pinch but I move to the side; so instead of hitting me, the punch becomes aimed at Theo. He catches the punch swoon  then throws him to the floor pissed.

He then takes something out of his Jean waistband


You see rumour's say the Theo has no mercy, remembering this I dive over to Brook and block her eye sight before *bang*

Brook throws me to the side letting out a high pitched scream as she runs over to Max

I turn to Theo seeing he has a blank expression covering his face, like he's done this a thousand times before. Probably has.

"You killed him! " Brook sobs while holding his bloody body closer.


After she ran away I knew it probably wouldn't be best to go after her, I know she won't phone the police cause she looks like she's got a brain. But being out alone at this time, in this part of London I don't think she uses it.

"Did you see how fast she ran, damn that's a new record" Mason chuckled

"shut up" I snap jokingly sending him a death glare which would have sent him 6 feet under.

Which made him shut up, I smirked at the fact he was afraid of me.

I saved her because I hate smaller gangs trying to get bigger, I thought it would be abrupt if I killed them in front of her, I'll get someone to kill them later.

Plus she was hot

We walk in the same direction she ran in, going to do our job. Some man cheated us stole money, weapons and drugs. No way in hell was I letting him get away with that. We also have move fast as Alec says he's moving locations soon.

Suddenly we hear loud banging and shouting, me just being plain nosey decide to investigate, I tell Mason, Jacob and Alec to finish the job - with no mercy- I walk up to a block of apartments still hearing the shouting, without warning to girls run into me.

I look down annoyed to see its the same girl from before; she looks up at me in disbelief

I look up to see a man stomping down the stairs. I watch as she pushes another girl behind me. I glance at her confused whilst  growing some what impatient.

Then this man throws a punch at her and she dodged it while punching him in the side of his head.

I was watching what she was going to do next when I see the man throwing a punch at me; I grab his hand before it could connect with my face then threw him to the ground.

Who does he think he is?

I take out my gun and shoot him not even flinching no waiting for to register he's going to die.

I put my gun the back of my trousers, one of the girls runs to him screaming stuff at me to be fair I could care less. I was thinking that these two girls just saw me kill someone they could tell to police. I know that I'm known for killing people but no survivor has ever seen my face.

I should probably kill them too...

I take my phone out of my pocket and call Mason it goes straight to voice mail strange next I call Alex and he picks up almost immediately
"man I was calling you it was a set-up they knew we were coming and took Mase" Alex breathes

"Get back to the Safe house, I'll meet you there, don't panic, You know what to do in these situations we'll get Mase back he probably just got lost like the last time" I order while hanging up the phone

you see what happens when I leave them for 5 mins

I look down at the two girls one of them crying her eyes out. Then look down at my phone calling Justin my 4th in command back at the house saying we need a clean-up service to hide the body somewhere.

I look at the girl who bumped into me her eyes wide in fear and shock

"What your name" I say with a blank expression on my face, she thinks for a second then silently answering

"b-becca" she lies I'm very good at telling when someone's lying so I guessed she would as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Don't lie to me" I harshly snapped not in the mood lying. She quietly sighed then said
"Skye" I let out a harsh laugh,

"why didn't your mum name you ground instead?" hurt flashed though her face.

(A.N Skye isn't a bad name!)

Gosh Theodore what are you doing with your life. Ground??

"Whatever come on your coming with me, both of you" I glance over to the girl on the floor.

"No" She says folding her arms, I look at her sharply. No I'm just straight off pissed off. I take out my gun a point to her friends head

"How about now?" I growl. Alarm passes her face as she pulls her friend up whispering something to her then her friend who then looks at me in alarm. I point to a black van - which I have to hot wire because I came here by foot- both of them nod knowing what's best for them.

Once were outside then back of the black van I snap

"hairclip" I saw pointing to Skye's friend seeing that there's a least 20 in hair head. Trembling she gives me her hairclip I snatch it out of hand then staring working my magic with the lock.

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