Chapter 30 - Falling apart✨

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^Guys look how sexy Theo j isssss

"Go on then!" Theo shouts back.
"Me, Brooke and Sam think she's working for Max." I say clenching my fists.

"That's complete bullshit! I know her she isn't" Theo says slamming his fists on the desk. I jump back scared for a moment. This makes Theo's eyes widen and he looks at me shocked.
"Skye..." he trails off.
He takes a step towards me and I don't move.

"I'll never hurt you. I'm sorry I'm just angry." He says calmly. I shake my head and glare at him.

"Why are you sticking up for her?" I say taking a step back from him.
He looks at me and shakes his head,
"I guess I just don't want to believe that my gang is slowly falling apart" he says sadly.

I sigh and walk up to him. "That's not true" I say cupping his cheeks.
I stand up on my tip toes and kiss his lips.
"Sorry I started an argument" Theo says once we pull away.

"I'm sorry too" I sigh. I hate fighting with Theo.
"I love you" Theo says placing his hand on my bump.

"I love you too" i mumble into his neck.
"I'm not cheating" he says after a few minutes silence.
"I could never lose you again" he adds after wrapping both his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I nod my head and snuggle deeper into his chest.

"What you going to do about Charlotte?" I whisper. Theo tenses for a moment but relaxes again.

"Don't worry, I got this" he say kissing my cheek.


*3 months later* (a.n sorry for weird time jump in the middle of the chapter)

"Skye! Help" Sam calls from the kitchen, she started making pancakes afew hours ago now she asks for help after the smoke detector has gone off 3 times causing Jacob to come out of his 'man cave' and after a series of shouting turn them off.

"Ask Brooke!!" I shout back, as I roll to my side holding my bump.

So far Theo has done jack shit about Charlotte since are fight. Instead he sent me back to the house he bought and I haven't seen him in 3 weeks, Jacob still discusses his hate for her from time to time and Sam was right they did have something back in the day but he still refuses to tell us anything.
Theo still calls but mostly to talk about how I'm supposed to go back to the gang house to give birth since its some 'tradition'. Bah bah bah.
"But she doesn't know how to make pancakes!" Sam shouts back.
"Then ask Jacob" I groan covering my ears.

"Skye don't get me involved" Jacob grumbles stumbling in the room he throws himself onto the sofa by my feet.
"You're the only one that can cook here" I remind him throwing him the TV remote, he catches it with ease and smirks at me sheepishly.

"you miss him?" Jacob says changing the subject to Theo, I nod still focusing on the TV, "he's changed you know" Jacob comments i can see him staring at me through the corner of my eye, i brush the hair out of my face and turn to look at him. "how?" i question looking at him curiously.

"He's nicer now, our parents death was hard on him, many of our gang-members didn't believe he was good enough for the part of 'leader'." Jacob tells me placing his feet on to the glass coffee table in front of him. He sighs stretching out his arms and continues "He looks at you like your the only person in the room sometimes" he chuckles patting my leg, my cheeks darken and i cover them with my hands, he laughs then turns his attention to the TV

"How's my niece?" He says changing the channel too football man U vs Chelsea's match appears on the screen. "She's good, missing her dad though" i sigh.

"I bet he misses her too-" Jacob starts but is cut off by the door bell ringing me and Jacob jump at the sudden loud noise, I sit up me and Jacob look at each other with wide eyes.

"Wait here" Jacob says standing up. I see him take something black out of the back of his jeans.


I grab the remote and turn off the TV sitting up to listen closer.
"Hi man, next time call when you're coming over you jumped the shit out of me and Skye" Jacob chuckles I relax a bit but then someone else laughs with him.
A very familiar laugh.

"Theo!" I squeal jumping up.

I waddle into the corridor and see Theo talking to Jacob. "Skye" he breathes turning to look at me. He stops talking to Jacob and walks towards me pulling him towards me as he slams his lips into mine.

"I missed you two" he says placing his hand on my bump after we pull apart. "Well I'm going to go" Jacob says awkwardly sliding out of the room.

"We missed you too T" I mumble into his neck. "We're going back to the gang house so you can deliver the baby there today" Theo says excited. I inwardly groan and snuggle my face deeper into the crook of his neck. "I don't think the baby wants to come out" i mumble, i feel his chest shake as he laughs at my comment.

"Well tell her that her dad wants to meet her" he laughs running his fingers throw my hair, he tends to do that when he's stressed or tired. "we still have to figure out names" i laugh pulling away from his warm embrace.

"name her Cheesebuger!" Jacob shouts from the living room, I burst out laughing holing my stomach and Theo laughs with me.

"Come on" Theo says placing his warm hand on my back guiding me towards the stairs i frown wondering were we are going, "I'm tired and I can't really sleep without you next to me" he says mumbling the last part.

I smirk wrapping my arm around his waist and hooking my finger in his belt loop, we walk up the stairs in comfortable silence enjoying each others presence. As we walk down the corridor Brooke comes out of her room. "I heard laughing" she says not pretending Theo isn't here.

"Apparently your kid is going to me named Cheeseburger" Theo comments Brooke looks at him like he just appeared out of nowhere. "oh hi Theo when did you get here?" Theo snorts and walks around her, they never did really like each other, maybe because he 'killed' her ex-boyfriend right in front of her innocent eyes.

"Skye you coming?" Theo asks snapping me back to reality i nod and Brooke waves me goodbye and walks around me probably going to Jacob.

That was a big chapter I guess, probably over peoples average size for chapters lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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