Chapter 32- Labour?✨

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We went out for dinner with Brooke and Jacob, Sam said she wasn't feeling well but I think it's because she's afraid of Theo.
The waitress was attempting to flirt with Theo the whole time but he couldn't care less. He even said 'my wife would like a glass of water' when she wasn't listening to me and completely annoying Theo.

Right now where all sitting in the car on the way back to the gang house.
"Are you sure Sam will be alright?" Brooke says from the back seat.
"I'm sure. Why wouldn't she?" Theo answers for me.
I hear her grumble something like 'wasn't asking you' then silence.

"We can call her if you like" I suggest taking Theos phone from his pocket.
"You know you still haven't given mine back" I remind him unlocking his phone.

"How did you know my password?"
"Lucky guess" I reply smartly.

"Jacob told her" Brooke blurts out from the back seat. I hear Jacob gasp and shout.
"Don't kill me!!" He screeches.
"You wouldn't kill your own brother right??" He panics

"Dude calm down, I won't kill you." He chuckles.
"Yet" he says mumbling the last part. Jacobs tries to 'manly' scream and panics even more.

"Jacob he's joking" I laugh turning my head back to look at his scared face.
"Actually I'll text her just in case she's sleeping" I announced starting a text.

To Sam
Hey Sam it's me Sky just checking you're alright

A fee minutes later Theos phone dings indicating she's texted back.

From Sam
Hi Skye, I'm good I'll speak to you later x

"She's fine Brooke" I says shoving Theo's phone back into his pocket.
I start to look out the window as my eyes start to feel heavy.

"Skye it's 12:00am you should sleep" he says taking my hand and rubbing circles on it not taking his eyes off the road.
"Okay" I yawn resting my head on the window.

*Back at the gang house*

I wake up wrapped in white bedsheets and the shower running in the bathroom.
Theo must have carried me in here when I was asleep.

I hear the water turn off and footsteps in the bathroom then the door opens I close my eyes pretending to be asleep.

"God I love you" Theo whispers as i hear him walk around the bed.
"One day you'll be my wife I'll make you happy" he mumbles as I feel him stroke a piece of my hair behind my ear, warming up my face with us slightly damp fingers.

I feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest, surprised he can't hear it.
He's so close to me I can feel the heat radiate off his body warming mine.

"I also know your not asleep" he chuckles moving away from me. A deep blush appers on my cheeks as I open my eyes to find Theo standing there in nothing but a towel showing off his perfect symmetrical abs.

"Love you too Theo" I smile.
"You still tired?" He asks smiling back at me.
"Yeah kind off" I mumble rubbing my eyes.
"Okay give me a minute I'll join you" he says walking into the closest.
He walks out a minute later in a pair of boxer shorts and his hair ruffled.

"Sleep" he says sliding under the blanket with me. I nod and lean my head on his chest as our legs tangle together.

*2 hours later ➡ 5:06 am*

Me and Theo are sleeping peacefully wrapped up in each other's arms when I feel a sudden pain in my stomach and a sudden wetness.

"Skye please tell me you haven't pissed yourself" Theo groans.

"No that was my waters" I gasp sitting up.

"Oh okay it was only... YOUR WATERS!" he says sitting up and suddenly paying full attention.

"Fuck what do we do?" He asks me panicking. My fucking hero I slap his chest and shove him off the bed.

"Get Dr . Winchester" I hiss as a shock of pain comes from my stomach again.
"Oh yeah" he mumbles throwing on a pair of jogging bottoms and opening the door.

"I'll get Britney too" I shouts running out the door.
"Brooke" I groan rubbing my stomach.

• Theo was totally prepared wasn't he?
• hope you enjoyed that chapter

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