part 1. the you know who

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(Y/N) profile

I woke up screaming again. I always have the same dream at this time of the year.

The dream

I'm sitting next to my mother and there was this boy named Harry Potter, who was putting the table ready. He made one mistake and the man hit him, and at that moment my head started to hurt and I started to hear things. Then I started seeing things like me killing people and watching some white figure, but you couldn't see who, or what is it. Then I saw lots of people laughing.

And I woke up.

I have always known about the magic world and today was supposed to be the day that I got my letter. It was 04:47 in the morning and I couldn't sleep anymore so I just got up and went to make breakfast for me and my snake.

When the mail came, I got my letter and got out of the house. I did take my snake named (P/N) and my purse.

And yes, my mother and father were alive, but I didn't talk much with them because after I told them about my dreams, they have been over protective and I HATE that.

When I was on my way to get my wand I ran into someone at the door and fell down. "Hey! Watch where your going!" I yelled before I saw who it was. I know every pure-blood that is on earth and that right there was Draco Malfoy with his father Mr. Malfoy, and neither of them were happy about what I said just now.

"Watch your tongue miss... who even are you?" Mr. Malfoy was looking at me with rage in his eyes. I got up and looked back at him. Your snake spoke to you "(Y/N) please let me bite them! I can't stand that behavior!" I look at (him/her) "No P/N you can't do that. As a pet of (Y/N) (L/N) You can't hurt the head of the Malfoy family" Draco was suprised that I was (L/N) but Mr. Malfoy... "So... I assume you can speak to your snake?" I nod my head as to say yes. "You do know...there are only few who can do that." he said and I looked suprised because I thought that almost everybody could.

"Well now... if you excuse me. I have to go and take my wand." I was lightly brushing over my snake's head with my hand and they moved, and let me in the shop.

After that, I went to get my books and I hit my head on to something or someone. "Oh c'mon, twice in same hour!" I looked up from the ground and there was a hand to pull me up.

I just pushed the hand aside and got up lifting my snake to my shoulders. "Are you alright? I'm really really sorry about that". I saw the boy from my dreams....Harry. when he saw my face he looked somewhat shocked.

I started to run and Harry went after me but then the young Malfoy caught me in his arms and looked at Harry with a glare. "Why are you after a girl who seemingly doesn't like to be with you at the moment?"

Harry looked suprised and I pushed Draco aside, screaming "I did not ask for your help!" and then took a couple steps back. Harry touched me and I hit him in the face because for some reason I was scared. "Just... leave me alone, ok?!" I then run away and both of them looked after me like... what the heck was that all about?

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