part 32. war

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Okay. Before you start reading I have to say sorry! Because wattpad deleadet this part 4 TIMES and everytime I hade over 3000 words. So I was really angry while doing it again. And I am sorry that it isn't as good as it should be.

I don't know where I was or what time is it. My mind is breaking in to peachis.

After Minerva drunked me I woke up it chains and some thingcovering my eyes. I was alone....

There was thease two people. A man and a woman...they tortuted me to get the information about what is my father going to do.

They didn't let me touch anything. They feedet me and everything. But one day they heard me talking myself and they figure out that it was P / n that I was talking to.

They killed him / her. And I couldn't do anything...and here they came back again

Girl " Could you just tell us and we can end this before the war really goes up?"

Y / n " thanks"

Boy "From what?!"

Y / n " Now I know that I been here all summer, because if the war is comming up it means Harry is in HogwaAAA..."

they both kicked me on on my back and my face hit the ground.

Girl & boy "So you did know something! "

Y / n " what you two are? Morons? It's obvios! If he wants the boy then what would be easier than getting him frOOOO....O..."

They kicked me again and again. But then I heard the door open. Who? I heard the words crusio and Avada kedavra.

And it went quiet. I didn't know whos voice was that but he then opened my chains and runned away.

As I took off the thing that was covering my eyes I saw my wond infront of me.

I took it and got up. As got out, I looked around the plase and it looked familier. I saw stares and got up. I stardet to look around more and realised that I was still in Hogwards.

I saw that everypody were running around like crazy. I looked at myself. From this they could tell that I'm a studet but not that I was from Slytherin. My uniform was coverd in mud and blood.

I then saw Hermione. I runned to her. She was with Ron at the moment

Hermione " ( Y / n )!!! Where have you been?! After you disapeared Harry...and Ron and me were really sad and worried about you! "

Y / n " I was drunked....taken....and tortuted. Anyway I just got out and I don't know what is going on here?!"

She then hugged me and took my hand

Hermione " I tell you on the way"

Y / n " okay. "

Hermione " we will now get you clothes and treat your wounds as quickly as we can but we are in hurry! The war is starding and they are already breaking the protective wall that was placed around the school."

So the war already stardet?!?! Then that is what they ment by 'really starding war'

We then got in somekind of room and Ron runned to help others. She gave clothes after I took really quick shower. I then put them on.

Hermione tendet me with magick. We then got out and as we looked out...the wall breaked. Hermione then went running trying to find Ron and Harry.

I looked outside and everyone were fighting and killing each others. I don't know was I crazy or just going mad but I loved to watch this horror that was going on all around me.

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