part 2. friends?

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After I was behinde a corner i stopt. "Why am I afraid of him?" I thought.

-time skip-

I was at home trying to get Everything ready for my leave but then my mother came in and stardet yelling "(Y/N) I thought that I told you to wake us up, so that we can go get Everything together!"

I were so full of hate after that. I am already 11 years old! "Mom, I am not the little baby who is scared of one little nighmare that dosn't eaven make sens at all!" You shouted back and your mother stardet to cry.

she slaped me on my cheek. "Mom why do you alwe..." i didn't get a change to end what I was saying because my mother hit my other cheek.

It's not like this was the first time. She hits me everytime I do something to drive her mad or sad.

I was just standing there in silence and then my mother left my room. I wanted to cry but i was not going to let her have that plesure, so i just finished my packing and waited the sun go down. "I love to watch when moon takes over sun because then I can see that eaven in the darkest plase have that one light." I thought and After that I went to sleep with (P/N)

-time skip-

*going to train station*

I was sitting in a big car with my father who was talkin about that i have to become the best Ravenglow there was because both of my parens were in theare.

"(Y/N) I will tell you this because i don't want you to be suprised. Theare will be lots of people who only want to do bad things to you because you are pure-blood...and a girl" my father spekt to me and now I was little worryed about getting in some other house.

When we stept out of the car we were at the station. We walked to the trains and i saw couple youngsters go true the wall and my father pushed me true it and I saw this red train. Then my father came too and took hold of my arm and pushed me around to the train and told me to get a seat.

I tryed to find a seat and there was one empty so I went to sit there. But, after sometime I fall a sleep.

Dracos profile.

I got on the train and I saw (L/N) alone so I went there and waited Grabbe and Goyle. I want to know why was she so scared about potter. And she was pure-blood so there is no prombelm for someone seeing me with her.

(Y/N) profile

I woke up when the door moved. I was so embarrest when I saw who it was. He just walked in and lookt at me while sitting in front of me."So, i think we didn't really have time to have a real talk last time. Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy" draco looked at me with a smirk and offering his hand.I was confused for a moment but now i can have a fresh start "Hello Draco my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and it is plesure to meet you"

I was talking with Draco the whole way. And he was little bit shocked abot the fact that your mother alweys hits you. Draco sayid that he would like to be your friend. I was happy because now I had my first friend ever.

When the train stopped and we got off the train I was talking with Draco about witch house are we wanting to go

"I will be in slytherin. Both my mom and dad were in slytherin." Draco said with a smirk on his face. "Well... I really want to be in slytherin because you are the there" I said with a smile and I could see a light blush on his cheeks

"Draco...don't say your already falling for me" you said lightly laughing with a smirk. Draco looked at me with his smirk again "Well excuse me (Y/N) but i don't know what are you talking about" then we both stardet laughing.

-time skip-

We were now in school grounds and it was as beautiful as I imaginadet to be. We were walking in with all the first years and then we stopet at the end of the hall and there was this lady. I think she is a teacher.

She stardet to talk about what is going to happend and then this boy screamed and go to take his pet and that got me thinking, were is (p/n).

The lady then got inside the big doors and malfoy left your side and went in front of Harry "so it is true then. That Harry Potter has come to the Hogwards." When malfoy said that, he was a pit different, i think....a pit...meaner that he was with me, but he looked good with that face.

But still, people stardet wispering abou harry. "Thease here are Grabbe and Goyle and I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" then one boy laught"you think my name is funny don't you. Well Let me see. Red hair, hand made cape, you must be weasly."

I then tryed not to laugh because i know that i am not a nice person."you should know that some wizard families are batter than others, you don't want to be making friends with the rong ones. I can help you with that" malfoy continued and he offerd him his hand but Harry refused

" thanks but i think i can tell who are the rong ones myself" I was pit shocked of that because like...who wouldnt take that offer?

The teacher then came back and malfoy came back to stand next to me "sorry but why would you like to friends with potter? I mean, look at him. He is friends with mudbloods and lives with muggels." You said to chear him up and he lookt at you " Well i thought he woul live with some wizard family but when you put it that way. You really know how to get people on batter moode" he said with smile and then the lady said that it is time to go inside.

We were walking in silence and then I saw the sky and it was so beautiful. The one girl stardet to speak that it wasn't real and from that only I knew I would not be friends with her

Then dumledore stardet speaking abot the balck forest and the 3 floor that we could NOT go there.

After that "Now, I will say you name one by one and then you to come here, and I put this hat on your heads and it will tell us what is the house that you will be in" The lady spoke and stardet to call people first was that hermion girl and she went to the Gryffindor. Then it was Draco's turn and before the hat eaven touched his hed it sceramed Slytherin. I was happy for him. This went on and on but when she said Harry Potter. The whole plase went in ded silence.

When the hat was on his hed, it wasn't sure were to put him. But then it yelled "Gryffindor!" And then the hall glapped and now... it was my turn. I was really scared because I don't know do I want in slytherin or do I want to be in my parens footsteps.

I then walked to the seat and she put the hat on my head. I then had one of thouse visions again. But this time it was different it was like, I saw someones past with his eyes . I somehow knew were I was and what the person was thinking and that he was a really special boy.

The vision ended and the hat didn't say anything. Everyone was suspices what is going on then the lady spoke

"so...the house if i may ask" then the hat stardet to spek "yes yes ofcourse sorry about that. Hmmm... (L/N) you are not avare of your greate powers and future...hmm...but thinking you future...Slytherin!"

I was shocked about what the hat said but you put up a smile and went to sit next to Draco.

He noticed that something was rong but he didn't ask yet. He will wait, so that we all have settle down

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