part 23. end of the 4 year.

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" Today we all had taken a great lose. As we all know Sedrick was really hard working fare minded and most importantly fearless. And I think you have the right to know isacly how he died. Because he was murderd by lord voldemord. And the ministery of magick does not want me to tell you this but not to do so it would be an insult to his memory! All the pain, will remind me, reminde us that no mather where we are what we do or what we speak, our hearts beats as one. Remember that and he didn't die in vain. And we will celebrate for the boy who was kinde and frienly and good heardet. To the wery end."

Dumledore spoke so long about that boy...well if we are the ones that should be sad from all of this I am sorry but I think that I have come to think more like my father because, I enjoy looking all thease sad faces.

But now it was time for the people from other schools to leaf. I saw that Draco had made couple friends from the girls side.

But I was looking for Viktor.

Viktor " (y/n) !"

Y / n " Viktor hi. I was looking for you. "

Viktor " same here. "

Y / n " why would you look yourself?" He then laughed and I could see that he was looking Hermione.

Y / n " I think that I wasn't the one you were looking for " I said and took couple steps aside .

Viktor " Next time you will teach me how to read people like that" he said and hugged me. He then went off to Hermione.

Y / n " If there is a next time "

Draco " speaking to yourself? "

Y / n " something like that. " he then put his arm around me.

Draco " shall we go then?" We then stardet to walk towards the train.

Y / n " I still can't believe what happend this year. all thease things and now we are just going home?"

Draco " Just going home? No, I think that we are going to talk about your father so much with my parens that you don't say his name in a long time."

Both of us stardet laughing but then I heard that Harry was running towards us.

Draco didn't look happy.

Y / n " Draco, give us 2 minutes okay? " he node and I stardet to walk towards Harry.

Harry " ( y / n )."

Y / n " I am sorry I didn't warn you."

Harry " What do you mean? "

Y / n " I hade a vision about you and the dark lord at the graywiard with lots of Deatheaters. If I would have warned you Sedrick would be alive. "

I had to say it like this so that he would believe me.

Harry " no ( Y / n ) it is not your fault! You couldn't have done anything more than you did. And I know it's scary to have visions like that. "

Y / n " well I am happy to hear that you are not mad at me. "

Harry " dear god no. I could never be mad at you. "

Draco " ( y / n )! Hurry up!"

Y / n " I'm coming! "

Harry " well I think you must go then."

Y / n " yeap, well see you after summer"

I then went after Draco that was waiting for me . I don't know why but for some reason I want to see both of my parens together.

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