part 17. blood lines

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We were watching Hagrid's place and Draco talked how he would get that creature's head. I then remembert how me and Harry were flying with it.

I then saw that the golden trio have come to join us. "Draco" I said and he turned.

Drako "aaaa..look who has come to see the show." We were all standing and Hermione was coming towards us.

Hermione "You!!" She spoke something that I didn't have chage to hear but he then took his wond and pointed at Draco.

Ron "No stop, he is not worth it." I then came towards them and lowered her wond. Draco then stardet to laugh and Hermione hit him

Y / n " you little" I then hit him back and she fall down. Harry and Ron helped her up

Y / n " Yes Ron you are right she is not worth of being the one who hits" Harry looked at me with a shocked face, as did Ron. Draco then got up and we left.

But after some time I still wanted to see the moment that the creature's head comes down. So I told Draco that I would go to see end of the show.

But as I went there the golden trio was still there too. They gave me a look that they wouldnt want me to be there but I went to stand beside them.

I did feel uneasy when I'm around Harry because of what happend. But I don't think that he would do anything while Ron and Hermione were here so I put the feeling out of my head and ignored it.

As we watched the head fall off Hermione stardet to cry and there was silence. But it didn't last long because Ron stardet to run after his rat.

Well I didn't want to follow but I didn't have anything better to do so...why not?

We run after it but when he got it he looked teryfied and looked behinde us. I looked before he even got a word out of his mouth.

Ou god...I didn't have time to pull up my wand. It  jumbet over us and took hold of Ron's leg.

We tryed to go and follow but the tree didn't like that Idea. We almost got crushed many times and we went flying. But in the end we all three got under the tree.

"And how many times did I tell myself not to follow you so that I wouldnt get in this kind of sitsuations?" I said out loud but both of them ignored me.

When we came the end of this cave we were in somekind of house. We followed the blood stains to find Ron.

Harry "Ron are you alright?  Where is the dog?"

Ron " It's a trap he is the dog he's Animegas!" He pointed at the corner of the room. It was sirius black.

Hermione " If you want to kill Harry you have to kill us too!" What?! I am so not going to die for him!

Sirius "No, only one will die tonight. "

Harry " Then it will be you!" Harry then jumbet on sirius and Harry got on top of him.

Sirius"Are you going to kill me Harry" he said with smile on his face. God this man creeps me out! But then Lupin came in and disarmend Harry. But why Harry?

Harry then got up and came back to us. Lupin walked towards Sirius

Lupin "Well well sirius looking rather weak are we? Finally the fles show the madnes of your minde."

Sirius " well you would know everything about the madnes inside wouldnt you"

Lupin then lowered his wond and helped sirius back up and they hugged.

Hermione also stardet to scream something about trusting to Lupin. I am so out what is going on here.

Only think I know is that those two want to kill someone in this room and I think that is is Harry.

But then Harry put his family drama in to this and now I was really out what was going on! But then Snape came in

"Snape!" I yelled and he disarmend sirius. And stardet to talk to him. I then went to stand beside him but then Harry put him flying

Ron " Harry, what did you just do?!"

Y / n  "Harry what on earth are you doing?!"

Hermione "Harry! You attacked against teacher! "

After I stardet to put parts together I knew that those two were Harry's fathers old friends and that one more friend has taken a shape of a rat and that he was the one that told voldemord about Harry's parens. other words the reason his parens are ded is that ugly man that just changed back from the shape of a mouse.

I went infront of the door ready to leaf but then that 'rat' tryed too but I pushed him back. They were all screaming and every wond was out.

"CAN WE JUST TAKE EVERYONE AND GET OUT OF HERE!? After we get out of here you can deside what to do with that one but I have no part in this family issue I have my owns and we have to get Ron in to a hospital!!"

As I screamed everyone was looking at me. But in the end we stardet to walk out from that horrible house.

After we were out I helped Hermione to tend the Ron's leg and Harry went to talk to sirius. But after little time Sirius asked me to come too

Sirius "  (y/n)  It is so strange that Harry looks so much like his father but has his mother eyes. But don't look nothing like your parens"

Y / n " sirius! Do you know who my real parens are?!"

Harry/sirius " real?"

Y / n " whole life I have lived in the name of (l/n) but the he....Voldemord told me that they were not my real parens" sirius then hugged me

Sirius " ou (y/n) your....parens are alive and well's just is safer and better if you don't know. Who they are but. I am part of your family. I am Harry's too but to you, I am blood relative" He whispered the rest so that Harry didn't hear

I was shoked. Not only this ment that I met someone that is my real family but also that my parens are alive. And theyre life is dangerous but they care about me so they won't put me in danger.

After that I hugged sirius and stardet to run back to Hogwards. It was so late and Draco must be sick from worring.

I heard a howl after I leaft."must be sirius saing the good byes" I said as I runned. I had to be quick an quiet so that the teachers wouldnt get me.

I did got inside the common room and Draco was sleeping next to fireplace. I just went up because if he would caught me right now I would have to explaine everything that happend.

I am happy, but I don't want anyone to know about this. Even Snape.

But if I am relative of Sirius, that means that I still am pure-blood. And that is inportant.

-time skip-

It was the last day of the school year and I was standing outside with Draco.

It was nice and quiet but then Harry came out and after him was almost the whole Gryffindor.

He had a new broom. It was really nice looking and everyone cheered him to try it out.

When he did try it I was amased. It really was quick. He couldn't even control it.

"Look out. Next year he will be quicker than you." Draco said with a smirk.

I turned my head to look at him "Yea you wish" As I said that he took hold of my waist and kissed my forehead and then my lips.

" Even you don't know what I really wish" he said and kissed me again. But even if he says something like that I think I know pretty well what he is thinking.

We then went inside to get our luggage and got out of school. We just went to train and I looked at Hogwards the last time this year.

"Bye Hogwards! I see you again next year " I whispered to myself and looked at it as the train took off.

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