part 6. The forest

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After the christmas had ended, I was really happy that we were closer whit Draco

I was on my way to class when Draco was running for me"(Y/n) I thought that, maeby you should come to my manor for the time being. Like I already talked whit my Father and he thinks that what your father said about slytherin was not acceptable. And if your mother hits you all the time we could be your temporary family for now" Draco just said with a smile on his face

"But, what if Mr. Malfoy gets in trouble because of it?" I asked because I didn't want to be burden.

"Actually my father insisted for it!" He then said and I was so happy about that

"Well, okay then!" I couldn't be happier right now. I could spend my whole summer whit my bestfriend.

The whole day we spoke about all the things that we would do when summer comes. But then he change the subject.

" (y/n) I think that there is something strange going on with Potter and his friends. We should follow them!" Draco just jumped up and shouted.

"Well, it's not like I have something better to do" I answered and then we were just waiting them to make a move.

But that didn't end well.

Because Now we all had detension, and we went to the forest to investigate.

I went with Draco and Harry but I was the one walking on front, because I didn't know what was in the forest, so I wasn't scared of it

We then saw a ded unicorn and someone was eating it. The dog then run away and Draco after that. Me and potter were just standing there. I stardet to hear wery loud noises and my head couldn't take it anymore and I past out.

Harry's profile

I saw that (y/n) past out and the creature stardet to come closer to us . I wanted to go and drag her away but I can't touch her after what happend last time.

Then centaur came and the creature run away. I then run to (y/n) to see if she was okay.

(Y/n) profile

I was next to a beautiful lake and I saw Harry and he was walking towards me and I srardet to walk towards him.

When I touched him I was alright. Then I knew it was a dream."why am I seeing this?" I asked "because this is wath you want" he said and hugged me. "No! This is not what I want!!" I screamed. Someone then hugged me from behinde, it was Draco.

As I woke up I was in bed and someone hold my arms. I looked to my arms and there was Harry on the right side and Draco on the leaft side of the bed. I moved my hands little bit to get in sitting position.

But that woke them up. They looked at me, the were scared was I alright."(y/n) I am so sorry that I left you alone I will never do that again!" Draco yelled " She wasn't alone! But I am sorry that I couldn't do anything" Harry replied.

I almost cryed because of them. But I didn't let the tears fall, not just yeat. I then hugged both of them. Leaning my head on Dracos shoulder. Couple of my tears then slowly went down my cheek to Dracos cabe.

But how it is that now I can touch Harry whitout having the vision.

Aftet that I went to ask permission to go. I got the permission and after boys brought me back to slytherins house Draco than hugged me "you can cry now" he said and I shook my head as saying that I don't neet to and that I was alright.

"Don't lie to me! I can see the tears on my shoulders so just let them out! I told you to show them to me!" He yelled at me again.

But i couldn't hold it anymore. Ones again. I cryed against Dracos chest. He then lifted my face to clean the tears of my face. He then looked at me and kissed me.

Again I was little bit shocked but I kissed back.

I then broke the kiss for air, He then hugged me and ofcourse I hugged him back.

Draco's eyes were so beautiful and shiny . I thought that I could kiss him again, and I tryed but then Grabbe and Goyle came in.

I think they didn't see anything. Just my face that still had tears. Draco then turned me around. "(Y/n) what happend?" They asked and I just shooked my head "something attacked us in the woods. Nothing more nothing less" Draco answered them, and I stardet to walk towards my room.

Why would school let us over there if it was so dangerous? Like yea I would understand if we were with some adult but Hagrid put me, Harry, and Draco alone.

Well, now we are safe so I think it is okay, for now at least.

-time skip -

It has been couple weeks after what happend and now I was friends whit Harry ones again. I was happy but I could see that one slytherin boy wasn't so happy about it.

I told Harry the real reason why I didn't come to his house anymore and why he couldn't touch me before now. I was sooo... happy that he understood me and told that he has weird dreams too. But not that someone would be killed.

He then told me about this plan that he wanted me to take part in. " snape? No I don't think Snape would do something like that, like i know that he is kind of eavil looking and suspices but he is not that kind of person" I spoke up when they sai that snape would be the bad on here.

I wanted to prove that he was a good person so I came along with the plan, for now. I had to look after the snape so that he would not come after the others.

They spoke something about a dog who has tree heads. And something about some stone.

I think that I really did know nothing about what was really going on here. Well I hope that I am going to gind out.

-time skip -
* next night*

Today was the day that I would have to look after Snape. I just hope that he dosn't go places that I can't follow.

I said to Draco that I was going to talk whit some teachers and he tryed to come along but I told him not to

I then went running to find Snape but when I turned from a corner I run into someone "outs! Sorry I have bad habbit to run on people like that" I said while standing up.

"Ou no please, It was the night like this when we first met." After that I realize that it was teacher Quirrell

"Well haven't seen you in while Mr . Quirrell" I then spoke as if there was nothing going on.

" (y/n) I know it is late but would you mind letting me to have your presence for the time being? I would love to have some company." He then asked me and I didn't want to look suspices so I went whit him.

But, where would he want me to company him at this hour?

All I knew was that we first went to stares and stardet to go up and up and then we were at the floor that Dumledore told us not to go.

"But I thought that we were not permittet to come here?" I then said but he looked me whit a smile

"Yes YOU are not but you are whit me now. Would you like to have a look of the floor whit me? " he asked and I nodded whit smirk on my face.

Ofcourse I want to see what was so cool and suspices about this floor that students were not permittet here whitout a teacher .

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