part.9 fly over skys

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On our first class we had Herbology and we were suppost to remove a plant from it's old pot to a new one.

It didn't sound so hard, but when Ms. Sprout showde us how, it was so terrible noiz I thought I was going to pass out, well one of us did but then we all pulled our own up the screaming was so loud.

I already got my own done but then I saw that Draco played whit his one and it bites him. I then laughed little bit but stopped or at least tryed to stop when he looked at me.

After the class my head was hurting because of that noiz but I was alright. At the moment we were on our way to get food.

While we were at our places eating I saw a bird fly right on desk. We all stardet laughing so hard at the moment. I heard that someone stardet talking about some Howler.

As I took a look what it was I saw that it was same kind of letter that I got from my dad. I am so sure that is about the car that we saw other day. And as it stardet yelling I just said "told you so" in my mind.

The one I felt sorry most was Ginny because like, c'mon who would like to be named after some off headed yelling.

After the mail destroyed it self it was ded quiet for a moment but the someone stardet to laugh. Ups, it was me. And when I stardet almost whole Great Hall Laughed at him.

"Well that sure was fun!" Draco said as we were walking towards the slytheris Quidditch team. Because afrer all we trained the whole summer. They said that they had couple empty seats on team, and that we could have our test fly later today.

We were so happy but now we were going to the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. I loved that class but ou god I hate the new teacher

He was just talking about him self. Me and Draco stardet to talk about jokes and funny stuff so that we wouldnt sleep.

"Well now, I know young love is fun and beautiful thing but, could we just continue about what I was saying?" Lockghard said with a wide smile.

Almost everypody was looking at me and Draco. It wasn't that obvios that we were together but at least now they all know.

All the girls starder to giggle but I was not going to let him have his way. "mm..excuse me Mr.Lockghard but if you are talking so much about yourself and that your smile so much. Should I write that Middle aged man's smile is the defence or the dark art" I said whit smirk on my face.

All the boys looked at me and stardet to clapp but all the girls were really mad at me right now. "Stop clapping! And (Y/n) I will see you after the class but first I give the class something to do."

He then stardet to talk abou pixies and what they are and what they do. He then showed us "Draco go under the desk" I said while I saw that Lockghard was looking at me with "smile"

."(y/n) what are you talking about" he asked and then I almost yelled at him"Just do it!!" At the same time when I said that Lockghard let the pixies out and they stardet to brake things.

I stardet to spell them one by one so that they couldn't move. I saw That they put Neville hanging on his ears, and then from his cape. I was trying to get him down but at the same time on of the pixies poked my eye.

Neville then fall down but good for him, it wasn't that hig. They almost destroyed the whole classroom. But then Hermione spelled them all with a one go.

Draco then game out from under the desk and I tryed not to look at him"Next time I think I will do what you say." Draco said and I nodded still not looking at him "yea, you should." I replied

"(Y/n) what is it? Is something rong?" He then came and turned me around. I quickly put my hand on my left eye "(y/n) did you hurt your eye?" He asked from me "no no, I just have something in my eye thats all" I lied, again. Why can't I lie to him?!?

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