part 25. Ex boyfriend

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I was with Draco looking at the door way to the Great Hall where Umbridge told that all the new rules will be put to that wall.

The first one said " Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwards High inquisitor"

Many weeks after that the ministery of magick was on the first page of every news and so was Umbridge.

We saw some Gryffindor couple making out so Draco desidet to kiss me too. But his back was on them. I then saw that Umbridge made them part ways. I then quickly pulled back from Draco.

He looked at me little mad like 'why did I do that?' Look

Umbridge " well...if it is not (y/n) I see you know how to tell boys no thease days. Ou I'm so proude of you"

Y / n " ofcourse Ms.Umbridge " I said smiling and she walked off. As I saw here turning from the corner I looked back at Draco and took hold from back of his head and stardet kissing.

Y / n " I hate that stubit old pink paint brus" I said and continued kissing.

Draco " mee too"

After that every class we were in Umbridge came and asked thease stubit questons from the teacher.

It did bother me because it meant that she is going to do something for them. Well I laughed when she pulled up the boys pans and ties with her wond. They screamed and it was so funny.

But it was so hard not to laugh when she came in the Snape's classroom.

Umbridge " You have been willing to teach the Defence Against the Dark Arts wery long now. Is that correct?"


Umbridge " put you were not good enough? "

Snape " ....obviosly...." ron then laughed and when Umbridge was gone Snape hit him and couple others stardet laugh.

There was so god damn many rules and some of them were obvious and someones so stubit like.

No music will be played in the classroom, all weasly products will be banned immediatly, proper dress and decorum is to be maintained at all times. Like...who in the hell put thease up?!

" did you hear?! She is going to uneploy her?" I heard some girls talk

Y / n " Draco come, something is happening outside. " we then runned outside to see that my favorite teacher was going to leaf from Hogwards

Y / n " Like hell I'm going to let that happend!" I walked to her. To hug her but then Umbridge came.

She tryed to beck Umbridge to let her stay. Like all the students know that she lives here at Hogwards.

Even if I am slytherin I won't let her have her way. Then Ms.Minerva took her from me and hugged her.

I then walked infront of Umbridge

Y / n " You are not a head master! You can't dismis then from Hogwards! "

Umbridge " Ou my dear (y/n)... I think I can" then the big door opens and Dumledore comes in.

Dumledore "Actually Umbridge she is right! Minerva could I ask you to escort her back inside?" Minerva then took her back inside the school but Umbridge were not happy about this. Draco then came to take me and we went back to the other slytherins.

Umbridge " Dumledore, do I have to reminde you that under the terms of the minister..." Dumledore cut him off

Dumledore " You have the power to dismis my teachers, but you do NOT have the power to dismis them from this land. That power remains in head masters hands . "

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