part.5 christmas is white and green

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(I photoshopped that picture and no it is not my snake. But that is how i see the snake in this story)

It has been weeks after the troll was defidet. And the christmas was just around the door.

I know that I hade feelings for Draco for a long time now, but they seem to be growing. At least I know that right now I like him more that what I did when the year stardet.

I couldn't get anything to give him as a present for christmas, because my parens were still really mad at me.

But I thought that if I would make him a painting of him as a slytherin and I would paint Grabbe and Goyle next to him and if I have time maeby I can paint myself in to it too. I think that would be good present for him, IF he likes paintings.

I then went to ask paint and tryed to be careful so that Draco wouldnt find out. We didn't have classes today so I could paint the whole day.

I thought that I could make some sweets for Grabbe and Goyle because they were my friends, and that way they won't think that I have thing for Draco, because he wouldnt be the only one getting a present from me.

(If you think that you are not that good painter don't worry. I got this!)

I then took my old camera whit me and went to the trio. "Draco, Grabbe and Goyle. Could I get a picture from all of you" Draco was little confused but the all said yes.

I got the picture and thanked them and went back to my room. I then used a spell to make the picture bigger and then put it between the fabricks so that I can see it true the first one.

I then stardet to paint because now I had model right there only thing I have to do is to follow the lines and put in the colors.

-time skip -


I did desidet to paint myself too. And for Grabbe and Goyle I made two little cakes that I woul spell bigger so that they could eat more of it. I wass really happy how everything turned out

I went to sit next to the fireplace and waited the trio to come. Ou yea, they did!

They scared me by jumping from behinde me and screaming happy christmas "well happy christmas to all of you!" I then said while laughing. I had all the presents in my hands and I was so nerves.

" I have present to all of you. I would be happy to give them if you all would like to have them" I said with a smirk on my face and showed them my backpack.

"Okay so. For Grabbe I made this chogolate cake and for you Goyle I made the cake from white chogolate" I then gave the present and they were going to eat them but I stopped them "nnot just yeat" I said and made the cakes tree times bigger than the were before.

They looked really happy while eating the cake. I liked to keep Draco waiting because he was so cute while he was little mad.

After they ate I could see that Draco really was on his limits. "Okay so here is yours draco. I made it myself but I couldn't get anything from outside the school so i hade to do it from everything that I had in school"

He was happy when I said that I made it myself. He then stardet to open the present and he looked so happy "so? What is it tell us!" Grabbe and Goyle shouted in same time.

Draco looked it little while longer and the turned it over. "It is a painting, painting of us all 4 together" Draco answered whit smile on his face.

The all then stardet to look at me "thanks (y/n)" Draco said and then they all stardet to change presents. I could see that Grabbe and Goyle gave Draco a really expensive things. Well now I felt bad...

Grabbe gave you a pair of white snake earrings that had green eyes and from Goyle you got a necklase of a white snake whit a green eyes. "Oy my, thaks to both of you. Thease are so beautiful!"

I put theam on and lookesd at them. They really were beautiful, but how did they know that I had a White snake??

I then turned to look at Draco "well we all wanted to give you presents that would match so, I bought you this."he said and gave me a little box.

I looked him a little suspices but open the box and there was this long white snake ring with green eyes. I was so happy "thanks, to all of you. You are all very important friends to me" I then said and hugged all of them

This was my first christmas when I hade real friends. I think that I could show (p/n) to them "okay so boys. If I show you something really important to me, that I will guard whit my life. Would you keep it as a secret?" I asked and they nodded whit confusion.

I then went to get (p/n) from my room "okay so I am sure that I can show you to them" I spoke "do you trust them?" (P/n) asked. I just nodded and lifted (him/her) to my shoulders "whell then I trust you" (she/he) said and we left my room

I then came back to the boys and they saw my snake." I got a permission to take (him/her) to school but (she/he) can't go out whitout me watching (him/her) all the time" I said.

But then I remembert "Draco, so that is why! When we first met I had (p/n) whit me. That is why the snakes in thease are white!" I said whit a smirk

Then Draco looked at you "ups, busted" he said and after that we all stardet to laugh.

I was bit suprised that they all wanted to be here over the christmas just because I was here. Well, it's not like I have something to complain about.

We spend the whole day together and went to have fun. But the Grabbe and Goyle just dissapeard. "(Y/n) if I were you I would let them go. You know that they went back to eat" Draco said and I became suspices about all this.

We walked together around the school."Draco? Why are we just walking around?" I asked but he didn't say anything. It's not like i didn't like it. It just... felt weird to actualy have time to be alone with Draco like this in a long time

After avile we were back in slytherin house and it was really late. Draco kissed me on my lips, and this time I kissed back we then separadet.

"good night" He said and walked away"good night. Huh" wha...did we just...omg

*running quick to the bed with a full face blush*

(Okay so that ends the christmas and I hope you like it! I am sorry that this one fel little short but that is because the last one was the longest I have done. But yea, see you tommorrow!)

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