part.16 Draco, help me

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I runned because now I didn't want to be close to him anymore! Now he went so over the line.

I came to the common room and Draco was there waiting for me. I was on my limits, I wanted to cry. He saw that something was rong so he stand up and started to walk towards me.
I runned to him and hugged him.

I cryed so hard, I was dissapointed to myself that I let Harry go that far and I was now scared of what he would do next time AND what Draco would think about all this.

I did know that I would have to tell him what happend. I don't want him to hear from someone else!

Draco " (y/n) what happend? Did somebody hurt you?!" He asked as we went to sit down

Y / n " I am sorry Draco I didn't have my guard up and...and Harry pushed me against the wall. ... and he stardet to kiss me and bite me and...and..." the end was under my tears but he did hear me.

Draco " That filthy little..." he then hugged me tightly

Y / n " I am sorry Draco I'm so so sorry that.." he cut me off

Draco " No (y/n) stop! It wasn't your fault. It's not your fault that your are so pretty that everyone thinks your so cute" I then looked at him but as I leaned my head he put his hand on my neck and looked sad.

Draco " Did he do this to you" I then remembert that the plase he touched was the place Harry bite me. I just nodded.

He then took me back to a hug. I was sad that I lost another friend but I am happy that Draco wants to take care of me and isn't mad at me.

After little time I went back to my room to get sleep. He didn't want to let me go but he had to.

When I was in my room (p/n) tryed to make me feel better. I was so mad at myself because this one time that I didn't have (p/n) with me something like this had to happen. Of course I was also mad to Harry.

I went infront of a mirror to look how bad the mark was. "Yeap thats a kiss mark." I said to myself. It was too dark for me to hide with makeup for tommorrow . I would hat to wear something that will hide it.

- time skip -

* morning *

I didn't sleep last night. But good for me I didn't look like I hadn't got any sleep. I then put on the normal clothes and then I put the scarf on so that the mark wouldnt show.

Draco promised to be with me the whole day. I was relifet because I didn't want to have anything to do with Potter in couple days. I would have to tell Snape about this....well that is going to be fun.

I then came to the common room and Draco was waiting for me. I gave him a little smile as I walked to him and then took his arm. We the left the common room together and headed to our first class.

It was Ms. Minervas class. I did hear everything she said put it was so hard to stay focused to what she said. My mind was wondering off. I was thinking about the vision... and Harry.

I would have to tell Snape about the vision too. He is also part of it and it inclued Harry.

After the class ended we were the last ones to leaf because Draco wanted to make sure that Harry wouldnt follow us around.

We then went to Snape's office and Draco waited behinde the door.

Y / n " Harry...harrasent me yestarday. " Snape looked somehow confused and angry

Snape " That boy? Dear lord"

Y / n " when he...bite me I had a vision. It was too blur to see but I heard that someones were trying to think who should kill someone it was you, me or Draco" then Snape looked at me with suspices look on his face.

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