part 19. The Dancing lessons

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When we were at our class, Defence Against the Dark Arts, I could not help put to notice how psycho the teacher really was.

He stardet to talk about the 3 curses. And that he thinks that we are old enough to see them, well I think the same way.

But he yelled so loud that my ears hurt. We all looked at Ron when the mad eye told him to stand up and choose a curse. He then said that hes father told him about one of them

It was Imperio. Mad eye then took this weird ant from glass and made it bigger. " Imperio! "He yelled and it flyed staight to Goyle's face. And then to Ron and to girls and then to Draco's face. The whole class was laughing.

But then he asked what should we do next, drow him out of the window or drown him. Everything went quiet.

He then brought it back to his hand. He asked us the second one. He told Neville to come and look, he used crusio.

Neville looked like he himself was suffering. "STOP! Can't you see it's bothering him! Stop it!!" Hermione screamed and mad eye stopped.

He then took it to Hermione's desk and he told her to give us the last one but she refused to do it.

" Avada kedavra! The killing curse, only one person have survived from it and he is here in this room sitting with us. " he then walked next to harry.

After that the class ended. We went to the Great Hall but there was so much people and everyone yelled fight fight fight! I don't know why. But it went quiet when Viktor Krum came in.

Me and Draco were just infront of the door. When he put his name in the goblet he looked at Hermione but when he leaft he looked at me. I got Goose bumps all over me. I could see Draco wasn't happy abou that.

But C'mon, who wouldnt have the main woman and the packup plan? Even if you are as hot as that.

- time skip -

Me and Draco were under the tree reading the newspaper but neather of us were happy about what we saw.

We still don't know how but Harry got in the game but it was also good news because now even Ron hated him.

Draco then climed on the tree and I watched him

Draco "Why so tense Potter?" I was still sitting but I turned my head and saw Harry" me and my father have a little bet you see. I think that you are going to last 10 minutes in this tournament " he then jumbet off and his friends came behinde him. I went next to him

Draco " my father things other wise. He thinks your going to last 5"

Harry "I don't give a daem what your father thinks Malfoy. He is violent and cruel. Now stay away from me."

Draco then got mad and took his wond, but before he got change to do anything mad eye turned him in to a fret. He stardet to swing it up and down and up and down.

Then Ms. Minerva came

Minerva " Profesor what are you doing "

Mad eye "Teaching lesson"

Minerva " I...Is that a student? "

Mad eye "tecnacly it's a fret" he then put him in Goyle's pants.

Harry and everypody else were laughing. Hen then got out and I took him in to my arms but that was a mistake because then Minerva turned him back to normal.

I feel on the ground and Draco on top of me. Everyone stardet to whisle for us but He got up quickly and helped me up

Draco "(y/n) are you okay?"

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