part 27. The head master Umbridge

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When the christmas brake was over everypody came back inclueding Hagrid. Ofcourse I was happy about that didn't really consure me.

What consured me was my father. He told me that he was the one who broke inside the azkaban but after that I haven't heard a word from him.

Well I didn't have to worry about Draco and Harry, because Draco said he would take care of it.

I was in the Harry's classroom at the moment but I didn't want to take part in this one. I was going to became the worlds second powerfull wizard but not a good one.

So I did not want to learn how to use Expecto patronum. In the middle of the class the room stardet to shake. Then there was a hole. I saw Umbridge.

I quickly asked (p/n) to tie me up with the rope that was in the back. This way they think that I wasn't part of all this.

Draco then came too and he had the Harry's girl with him. He actually manage to get it out from her?

Umbridge " Get them!" Then the boys stardet to take everypody I was lucky no one from the students saw me.

Y / n " Ms.Umbridge? I could use some help here. I got in here but...It didn't go so well"

Umbridge " godnes me! Just a prutal act from a little children. Ou c'mon Draco help her to get up. She must be teryfied about all this"

Draco then came and cut the rope. He helped me up. And we got out from there. We all then went back to the slytherin house. But ofcourse Umbridge went to his office.

As we were sitting and kissing I heard that Dumledore has cone missing.

Y / n " OU SHIT OU SHIT OU..." I was 101% ready to freak out.

Draco " (Y/n) calm down! What is rong this time? "

Y / n " didn't you hear?! Dumledore is gone!!"

Draco " well what does it matter? "

Y / n " Idiod!!! Now Umbridge will be the head master! "

After I screamed that. The whole common room was in panick. Like...I didn't like Dumledore but I hated Umbridge .

-time skip -

From the moment she became the head master all the rules stardet to come from all over the place and all the paintings were taken away. The Hogwards became a prison.

I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like we really were in prison. I didn't want to be locked in!

Draco " ( y / n )? "

Y / n " what?"

Draco " your thinking outloud again."

Y / n " Sorry Draco it's just... I hate it when someone locks me up"

Draco " I know how you feel but it won't be long just...try to get on with it" it has already been many weeks after she became the head master. The O.W.L were going to star any minute now but I didn't want to this.

But I had to.

As it stardet I was looking at Umbridge at the moment and there was sounds coming from the door. Umbridge went to open it and there was no one. but then a little firework came in and the weasly twins came in and brought lots and lots of fireworks. The only bad thing was they came after me. But I enjoyed looking when the boys did the big firework dragon that was after the Umbridge. But when it 'ate her' all the rules from the wall fell down and all the students run out from me room. After a little while all the teachers came as well.

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