part 22. children's love

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Someone crabbet me from behinde. From the sterght that he had I would say it was a man but who would do this in bright day light?

I couldn't scream because his other hand was on my mouth. Then it went blank. I think I pass out.

After I woke up I was in somekind of cave or a house I don't really know were.

" hey, she is trying to wake up. " I heard somewhere from behinde me. But I wasn't tide up or anything...strange.

I then just got up and started to walk towards the sound.

Y / n " it's you?! The rat man?" Why was he here? Did he take me.

Rat man " Ms. (Y/n) my name is Peter"

Y / n " Ms.?" Why did he call me that. I then saw there was something in the back of the room

Y / n " what is that?"

Peter "You will find out soon, but for now let it be." It looked like a baby. What was it?

Y / n " still...could you tell me why am I here and where is here?" I asked while he let me a seat.

Peter "If everything goes well you will see lord voldemord today" I was amazed. I could really see him?

Y / n " And we are at graywiard? "

Peter "Ms. How did you know?"

Y / n " I have seen a vision of voldemord at the graywiard with lots of Deatheaters and Harry Potter " he looked at me with a happy face. Well if my vision goes right it means that I will see him.

He stardet to explaine everything that will happen tonight. I was really suprised how good theyre plane was. They had all planed out.

If I was on Harry's side I wouldnt have any idea what happend.

It was almost time. He would come any time now.

I was waiting them outside of the cave. I had a hoode over my head so they wouldnt see who I am.

"Are you okay?" I heard. That was Sedrick.

Harry " yea, you?"

Sedrick "for now, but were are we?"

Harry " I have bean he before, in a dream."

After that he saw me. I standed up and looked at him but I didn't lift my head so that he could see my face.

Harry then knew what was going on they stardet to leaf but then Peter came out too with the thing that was loke a baby. But..from close it didn't look like a baby anymore.

Harry stardet to scream from pain. I just followed Peter and stayed quiet. Then the little thing spoke and it asked to kill Sedrick.

Peter did as asked. After that he put Harry to stand against the angel statue.

Peter drew the child in the pot and after that couple more creadians. A bone, h..h...his own hand and blood from Harry's hand.

Peter " The dark lord shall rice, again "

Harry didn't stop the screaming. He looked to be in so much pain. But then the pot went on fire and it stardet to take human shape.

After that there was a man with a white skin. Standing in front of me. he then stardet to walk towards us. All I could do was kneel in front of him.

Voldemord " my wond" he said and Peter gave it to him. I was still kneeling because I didn't know what wlse I could do. But then Peter gave him his hand and there was the dark mark.

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