part 28.the last free summer

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I think it is the middle of the summer right now? Maeby...don't really know but what I do know is that Draco was scared.

He didn't know what he wanted anymore. He was scared to get the dark mark. Lucius told us that we would get them before the school starts again.

If we spek the trueth Lucius wanted me to do anything I could to make Draco take the mark. Well...I would do it without him saing it.

Draco " We could just run you in the movies."

Y / n " But have family here and after 14 years so do I. And we are going to get married and have kids."

Draco " but what if they look at our tattoos like 'what are those'"


Y / N " Well lets just say that we had a wild childhod."

Draco " How do you alweys get the right words?"

Y / n " I don't know, you tell me"

Actually at the moment we were watching a love movie that Narcissa gave us.

The name was Titanic was boring.

Y / n " Draco...I have to get the tattoo because of my father. What would you think that his followers will say if his own daughder won't follow?"

Draco " I know..."

Y / n " well if you know then please do it with me. I don't want to be away from you"

Draco " Ofcourse I do it, you have to keep your promise that we made two years ago. "

Y / n " Thankyoy...Draco " we then hugged and I could see him fall a sleep. Well...he didn't sleep last night.

I then leaft my room and let him sleep. I went to downstare to find Lucius and Narcissa sitting together.

Narcissa " (y/n) how did it go?"

Y / n " calm's okay. He's taking the tattoo. "

Lucius " Thankyou ... (y/n)"

I walked to Dobby and asked him to do me something little to eat. I then went to sit down with Lucius and Narcissa.

Lucius " the only thing I don't understand is why your father wants us to attack against muggels. "

Y / n " what...? Well the only reason I can get in my mind is that he wants everypody to fear him. I can't figure out any other reason. "

Narcissa " Well I think your right ."

Lucius "we have to get those tattoos for you two as quick as possible.".

Y / n " I know."

For a moment there was silence but then Draco came down.

Draco " well then, lets do it right away " all three of us looked at each others and then Draco.

Narcissa runned up to him and hugged him. I got up too and went stand beside him. He took hold of my waist with his other arm.

But then my mother came in.

Y / n " Mother! " I left Draco and runned up to her. I didn't hug her but I took her arms

Y / n " I am so happy to see you"

Draco " ( y / n ) ....Is Bellatrix your mother? " I then looked at Draco

Y / n " there a problem? "

Narcissa " ( y / n ) dear....she is my sister " my mouth dropped open. So...I would me marring my mother's, sister's son?!

Bellatrix " Hello sis. And hello to you too. I heard you been helping dark lord while I was gone. "

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