part 14.boyfriend problems

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I was sitting next to Draco so that I could sleep. He has become so much more cooler that he was last year.

Suddenly the train stopped and I woke up. It stardet to get cold."Draco what is going on?" I asked but he just looked out the window

He then looked at me "It is alright they don't hurt us I think they are looking this guy called Sirius Black." After what Draco said it didn't make me worry anymore.

After some time the cold went away and the train stardet to move again.

Not long and we were at Hogwards eating. Dumledore wanted to say something about this year and everypody stardet to lisen.

"First I want to welcome our new teacher professer Lupin. That is our new teacher in Defence Against the Dark Arts." We then clabbed and then Draco started to speak to Harry.

" did you really fainted, like actually fainted?" Draco asked. Like, if he did I am going to laugh

"Shut up malfoy!" Ron said and I gave him a clare. They then turned around

He then spoke something about Hagrid but what really caught my interest was dementors.

I then looked at Draco and he smirked "you knew about this" As I said that he nodded with his smirk on and I stepped on his feat under the desk.

He then stepped on my feet and that continued until we were dismised.

We then went to the common room, I was sitting next to Draco and One first year came to talk to me "(y/n) is it true you can talk to snakes because you are Parselmouth?" I was in little shock because of the queston

" Yes it is true. Why?" The girl looked me with big eyes "could I 'test' it?" I then looked at Draco and back to the girl "sure. Here take my snake and tell it something. Then give it back and I ask what did you tell (him/her)

She then took (p / n ) and Draco looked at me

Draco " well that was new one"

Y / n " well I am just happy that she things that it is Interesting."

The girl then came back I took my snake and it told me what the girls said "okay then. Not the sentence I would pick but 'The skill of the darknes' pet' " the girl then run away.

Draco " why on earth are you not mad about that?!

Y / n " well is she rong? No, I don't know even one Parselmouth that wouldnt be on bad side, and no we are no counting Harry because he had that thing with voldemord."

Draco "well look who has grown over 2 years. "

Y / n " ou you don't even know yeat" I then got up and we kissed and I went to bed.

*morning *

When the first class stardet I was HAPPY because this was the subject that I had natural talents with.

"Welcome my children. It this room.." the teacher was like a mad man I didn't even want to hear it.

" now change the cups with the one that you are sitting with and look inside it. Would someone say it outloud, maeby you (y/n)?" I then looked in Draco's cup

"I am sorry if I'm hars but I can see..."

I had a vision.

Harry and I fly from the sky with something and then Draco comes towards us because he is mad and a creature attacks him.

I then broke the cup. My hand stardet to bleed" my god" Teacher yelled and I think she knew about my visions.

Draco started to clean my hands "please child I think that you saw more that just a cup. Would you minde telling us" Teacher looked happy about all this. But I looked at Draco

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