part 21 "second task"

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When I woke up my head was killing me! I would just want to go back to bed but I had to get up. My room mates went to get me some pain killers.

I just got up and put clothes on. I don't even want to see Draco right now. I must look like a 30 years old granma.

After I took the pills and got my hair in order I went to common room. I didn't see Draco anywhere so I sit down and waited.

" ( y / n ) sorry that it took so long." As I heard that I turned around and saw Draco. His clothes and Hair were all mest up "Draco....did you even look at the mirror before you leaft the room?" I say that but I didn't look so good myself.

I then brushead his hair with my fingers and helped him with the buttons of his shirt.

Y / n " I think you hade more to drink after I went to my room. Your all messed up"

Draco " Actually I did, but....just one..."

Y / n " one what?"

Draco " one bottle..."

Y / n " DEAR GOD DRACO! We are only 14 !!!"

Draco " Sssshh...don't shout. It hurts my head."

Y / n " I just hope Snape don't tell anyone. Because if he does your father will hear about this."

Draco " Well I didn't think that..."

Y / n " Well now we have to go to the class. C'mon lets go" he then took my arm and we walked.

We were just about to go in the classroom when Snape touched my shoulder "My office. NOW" I then kissed Draco's forehead and went after Snape.

Y / n " Snape I really am sorry about our behavior last night"

Snape " It's not about that. It's about the thing that you wanted me to figureout last year"

I then got the hint that it was about my parens. I want to know who my real parens are?


Snape " Well I don't know who your parens really are but I may have a hint about it now."

Y / n " please. Go on"

Snape " I found out that you were really good friends of Harry's when you were at first year?"

Y / n " Yes, back then he was my first friend."

Snape " I found out that you and him may have some connections."

Y / n " Snape...if this is a joke then it's really bad one. I am not laughing. " how did he find out?! Well okay I do know that he is good at this stuff but.

Snape " (Y/n) it is the truth. I still don't know how close, are you blood relative or something else. but I know that you have to be something "

Y / n " Snape... actually...I have found out that I am relative of Sirius Black. He told me...I am NOT his child but I am someones from his blood line" as I said that it seemed like it made sense to him

Snape " well he is also close to Harry. But that helps a lot"

Y / n " He also said that they are alive but it would be better for me not to know"

Snape " Well what do you think?"

Y / n " I at least want to know!" After that Snape dismised me.

I went back to my first class but after I got in, it ended. I went to tell the teacher that I was with Snape.

The rest of the day went pretty normaly. But I couldn't stop to think that I would be (y/n) Sirius....but it dosn't have to be, right? Because if I have the last name of my other parent.

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