part 24. He is back!

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We were wisiting in the ministery of magick to do some paper work so that it would be in papers that I offical live in Malfoy's house.

But when we arrived we heard that someone hade killed the whole (l/n) family. And because I was the only one alive I got all that was left of the family.

"I am really sorry for your loose Ms. (Y/n) but as it is all that they hade is yours now, and right now we have to get you a plase to stay" one if the mans said as me, Draco and Lucius sit down.

Y / n " Actual...." I was cut off by Lucius.

Lucius "Actually that is the reason we are here. When she heard about her parens she runned to our house to see my boy Draco " he then looked at Draco

Draco " Y..yes, because Me and (y/n) are engaget."

Now it was quiet for a moment. I think they are trying to get up a story. So that I could live with them.

Well...I'm in a little shock to hear that the family I was with 11 years is now ded.

" this true? Do you wish to live with the malfoy's? " the man asked me.

Y / n " Yes, I want to live with my future husband. "

I then took Draco's hand and we looked at each others.

The man "Well then, if Mr.Malfoy has nothing against it then I guess that I go get the papers."

Lucius " It would be my pleasure to get a yong women in the house so that Narcissa wouldnt be the only one"

With that said I looked out of the office window

Y/n "Lucius."

Lucius " Yes ( Y / n )? "

Y / n " Why is Potter coming in the ministery of magick? " Draco then looked out of the window but Lucius wasn't suprised.

Lucius "He used magick in the human world in front of a muggle and he is under age"

Draco " But then he broke at lest 4 laws at the same time?!"

Lucius " Yes Draco and now they will give him the punisment "

Y / n " Can we go and look it?"

Lucius " I am afraid not."

Draco " Why would you even ask that? "

Y / n " Ou c'mon Draco! don't you want to see as the famous Potter gets his first real punisment?"

I then heard a little laugh from Lucius' direction.

Lucius "Draco, be careful or (y/n) will be the one who orders you around."

Draco " DAD.." he was cut off when the men came back in and I did the paper work with Lucius.

We then left the room and walked out. Someone run in to me from behinde and I falled down to the ground.

"I am so sorry MS..... (y/n)? What are you doing here?" I knew that voice but first Draco helped me up

Y / n " Potter...? I could ask you the same queston. I thought you got a punisment from breaking the law."

I then looked at Draco who looked so mad right now

Harry " Well I almost did but then Dumledore came in and I got out and now I'm free to go"

Lucius " Draco! (Y/n)! We are leaving! " I heard Lucius screaming us. I looked at Potter

Y / n " see you at school."

With those words I left with Draco. We went trough the fireplace and when we were back I went Straight to my room and stardet to hit the pillow and hit the floor with it.

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