part 18. Never ending Love or Loveless

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I was sitting on my bed reading the newspaper and Draco came in with his party clothes on.

Draco " (y/n) why are you not in your dress yeat"

Y / n " Ou....I....I'm sorry I didn't remember it was today"

Draco" well this is the first time you ever forget a party"

Y / n " I will see you in your room in 20 minutes " Draco nodded and leaft. It was Mr. Lucius' birthday.

Narcissa helped me to put on (f/c) dress that me and Narcissa went to buy the other day. I put on (f/c) heels and some makeup. I put the necklase that Draco gave me last year. I put little earrings. I then put my hair up, and looked in the mirror.

I then leaft the room and went to Draco's room. I saw he put something in his pocked. " Do you remember when we talked abou that you can look more beautiful that then?" I nodded to him"Well you did it" we both smiled and leaft the room and went downstares "Just look, I will put it better next year" after I said that he lifted his eyebrow and smirked.

The party was dinnerparty like. We sit and eat in silence. We then went to the Libary room and there everypody stardet talking.

I was with Draco sitting and everypode came to say that he looked just like his father when he was younger.

The time went so quick while we were talking to everypody in there.

It was almost midnight an everyone was still here. Draco then got up and went to the kitchen.

Few of the quests we drunk but I was clad that only few of them.

Draco then came back and kneeled infront of me. at the time I was standing. I was shocked, I didn't know what to think.

Draco " (y/n)... will you marry me?"

Y / n "!" I couldn't get the right words out but I didn't care about that.

I gave my hand and he put a beautiful silver ring to my finger.

He then got up and hugged me and everyone stardet to clapp theyre hands and Draco kissed me.

Y / n " But Draco......we are just 14 years old"

Draco " No (Y/n). We are alredy 14 years old." We then laugh and after that people stardet to leaf

Y / n " Draco....did all thease people know about this?" He nodded

Draco " did you really think that suddenly my father wants to selebrate his birthday. "

Y / n " But we are so young"

Draco " You do know that 1800 they were already married in this age."

We then kissed and I went to see Narcissa. I wanted to show her the ring.

Narcissa thought that it was wery beautiful. "Draco said that he wanted to pick it up alone. I am happy that he leaned something from his mother. " Narcissa said and sit down.

It was late and I saw elfs cleaning up in the Libary room. Draco wasn't there. So I went upstares in to my room. It was so dark I couldn't see much but my balcony door was open.

I closed my door and went to close the door of my balcony. Draco....I'm not that stubit.

Y / n " Well now. If I were Draco were would I hide, or am I even hideing." I then walked to my desk and put a little light on and stardet to take off the jewelrys that I had.

I then went next to my closet that the mirror was. I then let my hair down. I took the dress off and opend the closet. I took a night dress and put it on

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